post your chicken coop pictures here!

I agree.. However I would go cover half of the run with a roof, the rest with wire mesh.. for all that Vitamin D !!! I would put the coop next to the run and cut in a door for the chicken . 1: run and coop are separated 2: add a sliding door to the coop to isolate each 3: if you have to work on either you have you chickens safe. This is how I did my door. Just trying to help. Sean
Are those apple slices in those hanging feeders? Cool idea....
x 2 ... I know I shouldn't be but I am having a nice chuckle also
Well, if we can't laugh at ourselves...

This is our 5 year old playhouse in need of some tlc!

And here is the finished coop!

Such an adorable coop, however(unsolicited advice ahead
) like Vehve said, you will be much happier when it comes time to clean if it is outside the run. If it can even be moved at this point. Run space when you need to work on coop will be at a premium and you want those birds safe. I'm going to secure my pop door to the run like Sean's.

I was using cinder blocks and it still broke free. Bwahahaaaaaà crazy wire.
I swear that stuff has a mind of it's own. That's why I swear by this. Just sayin

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