post your chicken coop pictures here!

TJ, yeah, they're fine in there. I've got them with two broodies, a grown roo, one layer, and four 4-month old cockerels. My biggest worry is that they will find their way out into the run before they're able to climb back in. But we decided to try as hands off of an approach with this batch as possible. So far it's working great. I love not having a separator in the coop.
TJ, yeah, they're fine in there. I've got them with two broodies, a grown roo, one layer, and four 4-month old cockerels. My biggest worry is that they will find their way out into the run before they're able to climb back in. But we decided to try as hands off of an approach with this batch as possible. So far it's working great. I love not having a separator in the coop.

Thanks... I've got 1 roo, 6 nonbroody hens and the momma.... My worry is that the roo is a PUNK.... EVIL..... SOON TO BE DINNER.... #!%*¥
That I was worried he would hurt them...

I'm going to put mesh around the ramp because of how tall it is then... If the littles do start getting punked I'll move them... Thanks
You should NOT need to take a brooding (as opposed to BROODY) hen off the nest to eat and drink. They will do it on their own. Chickens existed long before people "helped" them do so. TJordan's problem is the knucklehead (oops I mean hubby) is against having any chicks hatch. Otherwise she could just enclose the area under the nest box with chicken wire (with an opening) so the other hens don't mess with her or the nest. No need to clean the BROODING hen's nest.

Lucky you. I've found things take 5x the time when my chickens help!

OK, you asked for comments:
- Your chickens DO NOT NEED HEAT, especially not in Texas. My chickens get no heat, I live in Vermont, it gets down to -20F. Their coop is in a barn so there isn't direct wind to worry about. Is that glass or plexi in the door? For the winter I would cover the entire cattle panel area with clear plastic, replacing the glass/plexi in the door with 1/2" hardware cloth. Sort of like an inexpensive Wood's style coop, no wind blowing through the coop but plenty of fresh air available. The birds will be warm if there is no wind blowing their feathers open.
- Your chickens DO need protection from the sun, wind and rain. I wouldn't wait until fall to get a clear tarp to cover more of the top and I would cover it all the way to the ground for at least half the length of the coop starting at the nest end. Given the summer heat in Texas, you might instead want shade cloth over the entire thing staked out like a rain fly on a tent. The sun is overhead only a small part of the day. The birds WILL need shade. Mine have the option to go outside all day every day (though they choose not to in the winter) and spend their time in the barn, under the deck or lilac bushes during the warmer parts of the day in the summer. They are more likely to be out foraging before 10 and after 4 in the summer (I guess they listen to the people who say to stay out of the sun mid day
) unless it is cloudy.
- I don't know where you intend to put the roosts but I'm glad to read you have a plan. 2x4's on the flat or 3" round fence rails fit chicken feet well. 2x2s or 2x4s narrow side up DO NOT! Make sure they are at least 12" from the parallel wall.
- You don't need anywhere near 12 nest boxes. You could take out the top 4 (you don't need 8 either) and put the roosts above them. You should probably put access perches in front of the higher nest boxes, the birds could use those as intermediate "steps" to get to the roosts up top.
- That water pipe is WAY WAY more than needed. You could easily do with 4 or 5 nipples and that would still be overkill. I'd cut it off about 4' into the coop, add a drain so you can clean the pipe out if necessary and support the end against the side of the coop somehow.
@SHemphill Yes, living in the deep south (I'm in NW La) our problem is not cold. It's heat. You have the perfect southern coop. Mine is a 8 x 12 dog kennel that I have put a tin roof on for the elements. In winter time I clamp clear shower curtains on to keep out the rain and draft. My birds never had any trouble. Never need any heat. I'm taking down the curtains now and they will be fine until late fall. I have it in the shade to keep it cool.
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Ok... I think I'm going to modify an old dog crate into a brooding/hatchery pin... I'm thinking 2' tall chicken wire around say a 5' x 8' area with a tarp covering for the broody mom and (hopefully) new chicks can have a safe run that's next to the bigs will work... If they hatch I'm looking a at 3 babies... Maybe 4... Now, what I need is advice on weather I should cover the dog crate turned nesting box on 3 sides and weather it should be raised off the ground.... I fear the hatchlings will be hurt in the relatively small coop with the bigs so I need to move them before the hatch....

TJ - you know the temperament best about your flock. Your gut instinct is usually the best to follow because everyone's flock temperaments are different. Some have success mixing ages and some don't. I'm a worrier and would go with my first gut instinct for the safety of the chicks if any hatched. It's good to raise any brooder/coop off the ground but most doghouses stand on at least small legs already unless they're the plastic PetMate flat ones. Some paver stones or cinder blocks will raise the plastic doghouse off the ground. The most important thing is to have secure fencing around the doghouse to keep out dogs, predators, etc, you know the drill. But go with your gut about what is best instead of just leaving things to "let's see what happens." Don't second-guess your instincts and trust that you know your flock best. GL!
If that diamond mesh is flattened its a good deal. Otherwise it acts like a cheese grater if you brush up against it. Though I am liking the thought of making screens for the the house with it... I need to go to Home Depot...

yes it's a flat sheet and yes I scraped my knuckles when I ziptied it to the kennel, but it was NOTHING compared to demon wire injuries.
Good idea for screens.
Still working on it. My first coop. Hope to have it finished this weekend. The girls have been in my basement since they were born the last week of Feb. I have a lot to learn. I bought most of my material from Home Depot. The large dog kennel with a extra panel from Tractor Supply on sale. I have to finish the back, cover the top and bottom with chicken wire. I will make the nesting boxes for both sides in about another two weeks. And finish the outside trimmings. I also want to dig down around the fence and place wire or concrete to keep the critters out. It's more work than I realized.....almost done..
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