post your chicken coop pictures here!

This is our coop. It's made completely of cedar.
It sits in a 1/2 acre chicken yard to be fenced over the next two weekends.
We plan on trying the deep litter method. We figure the deep mulch method worked so well in our garden, might as well try the deep litter method in the chicken coop.

Nest boxes are designed so that I can move them around inside the coop.

VERY spiffy! I am going to make comments some based on others' comments on the coop.

Well ventilated indeed, as you will need it to be in the hot Texas summers.
I'm not sure how much deep litter you will get in there given it sits on the ground. Deep usually means 4" to 6" and it will spill out the door.

MY chickens lay any time of day and occasionally from the roost at night. The ones that lay the most eggs in daily succession usually start early with the first egg then later each day until they take a day off, then early the next day that they lay. My Partridge Chantecler (when she isn't broody which is WAY too often) will lay 6-10 days straight then take a day or two off. Most of the other girls are 1-3 days, then a day off but again, the first one is earlier in the day than the next one(s) if they lay at least 2 days in a row. Except the "Yard Art" Cubalayas, Eggs? I think laid one a few weeks or months ago. If I get an egg late in the day from any of the girls, I don't expect one from her the next day.

I have a 4' enclosed community box attached to the outside wall of the coop. VERY dark given the hole opens into the coop which is a converted horse stall about 8' from the west wall of the barn. There is a 4' box in the coop with 3 nests all open on the front and top but with "full height" dividers (because they picked at each other with the original short dividers). The outside "wall" is shorter, like yours. The coop itself is fairly dim other than when the sun is well over to the west. ONLY the 2 Anconas and OCCASIONALLY the bigger Black Australorp EVER use the dark community box. I opened the barn one day last week to give out the mandatory (to THEM) daily Black Oil Sunflower Seed (BOSS). I heard Persephone (EE) in the coop and since several of the girls will make SURE I know they are in there so they don't miss out on the BOSS, I took some in to hand feed her like I do the others (not pets but spoiled just the same!). She was in the MIDDLE box but got nervous and bolted, went for the BOSS outside the coop with the other girls. Meanwhile Zorra (the big BA) got in the RIGHT side box. Persephone came back and decided SHE wanted to be in that box so she climbed in. Not a lot of room for two full size chickens and Zorra got out after a minute or so but she kept coming back, sitting on the access bar wanting to get back in the right side box. I finally grabbed her and placed her in the middle box where she settled down and got on with her business.

Point being - ALL chickens are different. Yours may be perfectly fine with the nests as you have them and you do have a tall divider which will make them happy. Put a fake egg (I use mismatched plastic Easter Eggs with a small rock inside, the weight should approximate that of a real egg) in each nest when the girls get close to laying age (16 to 24 week USUALLY). There seems to be something "better" about a nest that another chicken already laid an egg in (even if that "chicken" has no wings or feathers
) If they don't use the nests you can experiment with covering one set to see if they are shy as seems to be the case with some peoples' chickens. I'm not real sure how they know which nest is available if they are all closed off, guess they have to peek in and say "Excuse me, I'm so sorry to have bothered you" if the nest happens to be occupied.

I'm assuming you have predators in Texas so I would put a sliding bolt that can accept a lock (or in my case a carabiner) so the critters can't open the chicken door. The "twist latch" piece of wood will be no match for most of them. Probably need something similar on the opening hatches.
Yep..deep litter takes some "flipping", on occasion, that the chickens may or may not do depending on their mood or how much they are in the coop. You have no room to do that there so it may be a better option of you to move this coop often instead, then try the DL in the winter time only when they would be in the coop more and more able to manage it for you.

time for expansion...chicken math dictates...more coops lol....figured out a way to combine the coop expansion and get the perm roof on the henhouse run....has a tarp over it for the winter and worked well but time for something perm and better looking
Hey Amber. I know location, existing structure and geography dictate the build, but kinda curious why the roof slope on the new structure is going to end up directing rain/snow runoff directly into the front of the other structures high roof point... the area where the other roof seems to be directing run off away from...
Hope y'all are well out there
Hey Amber. I know location, existing structure and geography dictate the build, but kinda curious why the roof slope on the new structure is going to end up directing rain/snow runoff directly into the front of the other structures high roof point... the area where the other roof seems to be directing run off away from...
Hope y'all are well out there
ya unfortunatly there is a slope ..the new roof directs it over and onto the bottom of the slope instead of thru the henhouse aviary/run or dumping the water on the top of the slope to trickle down into the pen...I'm going to have a rain barrel at the base to capture the water...either as a watering system for the chickens or for my gardens.....anyways cant tell from the picture but it slopes and is lifted a bit on the side where the existing roof is...where it is being encourage to spill is a mini garden bed with swiss chard and other goodies against the fence for the chicks to graze as it pushes against the between the rain barrel or directing it at the bottom of the slope onto a crushed gravel walkway which will drain better and bypass the aviary hahah gawd hope that makes sense
I need ideas for my coop! When I first got chickens, I thought that I was just going to get 10 or 11 hens. So I build a little coop. Well, that didn't happen! At first I had 10 hens, but now I have 20 hens and 2 roosters! They out grew their little coop. So now I need ideas for a large coop that will fit about 30 hens because I will not stop at 22 hens.
I need ideas for my coop! When I first got chickens, I thought that I was just going to get 10 or 11 hens. So I build a little coop. Well, that didn't happen! At first I had 10 hens, but now I have 20 hens and 2 roosters! They out grew their little coop. So now I need ideas for a large coop that will fit about 30 hens because I will not stop at 22 hens.

In my experience, after 12 birds, you have surpassed the "coop" phase. You need to check into an 8' x 10', or bigger building and convert it into a coop. You need 2 square feet per bird in the coop and 4sq ft per bird in the run. You probably know that already. To get a secure coop and run, this is the only way to go, unless you have unlimited funds.

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