post your chicken coop pictures here!



Took a couple weekends to get this done. We're moving it around the property, so they get new grass every few days!
Just when I thought my new coop and run were close to complete....the horses and goats decided to wreck the run! Guess I will have to figure out another plan...would have thought double wire would have deterred them but it did not. At this rate I will have to sell a thousand eggs to pay for all the damage....hmmmm....maybe I should sell the goats and horses instead. Back to the drawing board and trying to salvage at least some of the wire...

Well, at least you know the original was not predator proof before you lost any chickens, right? Gotta find SOME bright side to that travesty. So sorry it happened.
Went out to feed and water them and make sure nobody added to my broodys' eggs and I heard a peep....

Any idea dhow long before it hatches? I have 2 younger eggs in the clutch as well and fear the mom may abandon them after the 2 older ones hatch (if they do)... I can't afford an incubator but I know these other 2 are developing and are on day 14. Should I try to build a home made one? Ideas please.

Welcome To BYC!!!!

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I see a couple problems. First is not enough ventilation. Ventilation is very important to the chickens' health. The more ventilation the better. A lot of people, especially in the northern regions, tend to seal up their coops thinking it will keep their birds warmer. This may be true, but it also won't let the high concentration of the gases, put off by their poop, to escape. These gases will promote some very serious diseases in chickens.

The other problem I see is this, the roof needs an overhang on the front, to keep it from leaking. If you leave as is, it will leak into the coop, which is also unhealthy for your ladies. This will promote mold growth, inside the coop, which is very bad for the birds.

I am a carpenter, and have been building houses and, believe it or not chicken coops for a while. I have 37 years of experience.

Other than what I pointed out, really nice coop!!


I just finished mine.


We all agree it is an outstanding coop! With your wooded area you'll need something sturdier than chicken poultry wire to keep out aggressive predators. Chicken wire is only twisted around itself and comes apart easily with predator claws. Stray mutts mangled and pulled apart our poultry wire beyond repair but a neighbor saved our hens. Get 1/2 hardwire right over the poultry wire when you can quickly budget for it! Raccoons climb stucco, rain gutters, block walls, chainlink, squeeze through closed garage/barn doors, manipulate locks with their clever paws, and rip off legs/heads off chicken right through the poultry wire. You never know you have predators until you get chickens.

GL! Beautiful build.
Welcome To BYC!!!!

Please don't take this the wrong way, but I see a couple problems. First is not enough ventilation. Ventilation is very important to the chickens' health. The more ventilation the better. A lot of people, especially in the northern regions, tend to seal up their coops thinking it will keep their birds warmer. This may be true, but it also won't let the high concentration of the gases, put off by their poop, to escape. These gases will promote some very serious diseases in chickens.

The other problem I see is this, the roof needs an overhang on the front, to keep it from leaking. If you leave as is, it will leak into the coop, which is also unhealthy for your ladies. This will promote mold growth, inside the coop, which is very bad for the birds.

I am a carpenter, and have been building houses and, believe it or not chicken coops for a while. I have 37 years of experience.

Other than what I pointed out, really nice coop!!


Hi everyone! Nice coops!! Mine is a small hand me down from my fiances family. They had chickens and a real nasty rooster when they were younger! We just need to finish the top of the area and we will be done with the chicken space! One side of their area is facing the woods so we really put a lot of work there. The left side of their area is our backyard. We have a doggie door there, and the dogs scare away all of the raccoons, skunks, and foxes that steal our cat food so I'm sure they have that side covered! I put the shingles on myself :) and single handedly broke the one in the front! Hah. I wish I could afford something a little larger but this will do. Plus it has sentimental value! <3


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