post your chicken coop pictures here!

So, since we live in the woods and cannot free range, I have felt bad that my girls are not getting to eat very many greens. So I got this idea while gardening. I mad them their own garden with grasses and weeds that are hardy and will keep coming back, covered the top with chicken wire so they can eat them down to nothing and they can continue to grow through. It was a hit!!!

aweseome.... I live in the desert and dont garden.... There is no grass to speak of...

So when I rebuild I plan on doing a row of Kale down the center of the run protected by chicken wire.... Kale is incredibly hearty.... and a good food for the chickens.

Ralph Winter who owns the largest Guinea Fowl Hatchery in the US raises his guineas on wire a a foot or two above the ground... Under those Guinea feet he grows Kale.... They keep it trimmed down and the Kale thrives on Poo. LOL.

I'm barely on page 4 in reading this thread and am very impressed with what I'be seen this far! Going to continue reading and gleaning knowledge and ideas to implement them as I build my first coop, using pallets to try and cut my budget. Groundbreaking in the morning.
Great way to do it. I had a fellow build me one 12' x 12' using extra long pallets each side but you could use 3 of the 4' ones per side. Then he put an A frame on top bringing it to 6' in the center. Next coop I'll do taller but it works great. I have a picture in my interview in the signature. Check it out. I still have to put tin on the top and finish the inside roosts better. But the hardwire cloth was 3' tall and fit perfectly on it. I'm doing a lot of hatching this year and I think I'll move the other chickens out of it and use it for a big grow out pen.
Here we go! Our coop and run is finished but for the paint

The chickies went out today!
awesome.... I just got a good look at your interiors.... LOVE the use of stair treds for perch supports....

I see the bins for nest boxes.... I tried those for my own and quickly realized they need to be anchored to something... My girls were flipping them over. Did you fasten yours to the wall?


Not yet, our chickies are not old enough to start laying so I threw them in there to take a picture but then took them back out again. When the time comes to put them in there I'm only going to use 2 to start off with because we only have 6 hens so 2 should be enough. I might put something heavy in the bottom of them, like a brick or something.
Eeek, we have tons of skunks too. We've shot about half a dozen this past winter that have been lurking around the coops at night. I may try and get a pyrenese puppy if the jack russel ever passes. I hear they are amazing at protecting livestock!

Pyr's don't really bond well with poultry... they are more geared to sheep/goats. If there are poultry around when they're raised and trained, it is more a secondary function rather than primary. They tend to become "possessive" and protect everything that is "theirs".

Edit to add that you'd best have strong fencing as well since they think they own everything within range of their vision... even if it's the next ridge over
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Almost ready. Gotta finish linoleum floor,sliding door,paint and hang feeder/waterer. So much work but so gratifying doing it all yourself. The girls were out in the cheap TSC coop while I worked.

Oh yeah,got to add a little more ventilation too. Just last minute stuff.
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Here is my coop. Chicks whent out today and I am soo nervous. Even tho we are pretty sure nothing will get in the run. Im very new to chickens and would love any input!

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