post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here is my coop. Chicks whent out today and I am soo nervous. Even tho we are pretty sure nothing will get in the run. Im very new to chickens and would love any input!

I would take the hardware cloth all the way to the top. Racoons are very good at figuring things out and they are relentless at getting in and killing for the fun of it. Cyclone fencing will slow them down considerably, but hardware cloth will all but stop them. I build coops/runs for a living, and have done a lot of research, and have had personal experience with these critters. Other than the things I have pointed out, the coop is great.
Ok! The only material we actually purchased for our build was hardwire cloth so a little more wont hurt anything... eventually we will add a door and wall in everything but for now its all we have done
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So, since we live in the woods and cannot free range, I have felt bad that my girls are not getting to eat very many greens. So I got this idea while gardening. I mad them their own garden with grasses and weeds that are hardy and will keep coming back, covered the top with chicken wire so they can eat them down to nothing and they can continue to grow through. It was a hit!!!

Great idea

Ok! The only material we actually purchased for our build was hardwire cloth so a little more wont hurt anything... eventually we will add a door and wall in everything but for now its all we have done
I have dog kennel panels on six sides. And an old Tarp over the top for shade... being in the desert it gets up to 105 during the summer. What I neglected to do was affix the top panels with wire across an area where a coon could shove it up and slip in. I lost 20 Guinea Keets. Some of them rare colors.... Once I got the coop top buttoned up so they couldn't get in They reached through and pulled the heads off some adults... BUT my perches were hung from the roof and when they roosted they were less than a foot and well within reach of the chain-link. So I put heavier tarp over the top That stopped the coons from reaching in. Then the Coons found the perch ends and pulled a leg off one of my guineas....
Miss Peggy survived...

But now my coop is a fortress of wire... i should have invested as you are in Hardware cloth. A mistake I made was Assuming that because i live in the desert that there were no raccoons in the area.

Oh and I love your coop too.

Barring a little bit of paint and a few details, the coop and Run are done. Most of it is made out of repurposed, recycled, or donated materials. I believe I spent less than $200 on the whole thing.

The run itself is about 8' x 10'. Should give my six girls plenty of space. Most of the front swings open for cleaning and elsewise, and there's actually a fold-down flap on the front which will make cleaning even easier as I am using the deep litter method.

I have also included a wild flower bed made out of recycled fence posts. That should bring in some good bugs and other snacks for them.
New coop and run we just finished :) it's 5x6x6 a d the run is 8x25 the other half is my bully buff orpingtons



they say 5-6 meaning a fee range bird or medium or small chickens just chek the squre footige and for each large breed u should have three square feet per bird they do this so the birds dont over peck each other. then if u build a run it should be like twice the square foot this is on a minimum scale give your chickens as much room as u can

My brand new A frame chicken tractor! Still don't have any chicks yet but I'm getting them this week!

It was actually hand built by the guy I bought it from and the roof panels come off as well as the nest boxes for ease of cleaning and egg retrieval. The wheels have a latch that lets them come off if I want to let it sit more evenly or for longer periods. Its awesome!

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