post your chicken coop pictures here!

Getting a coop is a big decision.  It took us a year to finally decide on ours and still it doesn't 100% contain all our wants/needs so I can sympathize with your dilemma to find something workable.  Different companies have different names for the identical coop designs.  Do you have a pic or a website where we can peruse the "Rambler"?  We have our new coop but I still love going over this thread to see all the coops and how people use or modify them.  You used a child's pen to enclose your chicks.  We similarly used a small dog kennel pen to use indoors as our quarantine/hospital pen.

I think the name of the pg was I just looked under the Rambler

Not 100% sure how to work this iPad yet to copy and post the link lol
As for the play yard..l yep. Was my sons ... Recycle reduce reuse right lol...
To bad it doesn't work!!! Just found all 6 littles out of it running around back and forth through the fence next door... Need to secure that fast!!! Grabbed my sons new butterfly net to herd them back into the yard and into the pin.

Guess I'll be stealing that hardware cloth my hubby bought for our yet to be built coop lol...
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Thanks for the Welcome and the advice.
I like the paver idea, and will make sure I do so. The roof will have a layer of 3/4"x 6-8" wide planks installed first before I install the metal roof, to help minimize the rain noise.
I am really getting addicted to the BackYard Chicken site and forums. So much info and many ideas to steal from (they aren't patented I hope!)
The Rambler has roughly 9 sq ft of actual coop space. That's big enough for a MAX of three birds and that's still tight but probably manageable for them (I don't know what that company is smoking to say it will hold 6-10!).

Apparently the same thing most commercial coop sellers smoke! Maybe they pass it out free at the coop builders' convention

I haven't spent a ton of time looking at prefab coops but they always exaggerate how many birds coops can house. The only way you could get 10 chickens in 9 sq ft is if they ONLY sleep in it, all roosts and nothing else. Somewhere else that is predator proof from sunup to sundown.
The Rambler has roughly 9 sq ft of actual coop space. That's big enough for a MAX of three birds and that's still tight but probably manageable for them (I don't know what that company is smoking to say it will hold 6-10!).

Must be talking babies .... I just need something g to roost in and nest in. 8 bigs 6 littles. Plus 4 inside but 6 of the littles total will be gone in a month. Just growing them for family.

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