post your chicken coop pictures here!

No the run is not covered and I don't believe coons could get in unless they can blim a 6 foot fence. My hens wings are cliped can they get on a roost?
Raccoons live in trees, so yes they can climb just about anything. They have no problems climbing fences to get to your chickens, and they will. Wing clipped hens might have a problem getting onto roosts higher than 2 feet, but it would depend on how heavy they are. Unless the space that your chickens are kept is completely enclosed, covered, and dig-proof; you will be giving every nocturnal predator in your area access to a free chicken dinner.
Racoons can climb a 6 foot fence pretty easily. I could never do that here also cause I have owls... I looked out of one of my windows in the middle of the night a few days ago and watched an owl swoop down into the pasture.

I would at the very least put some hardware cloth on the front (open side) of your coop.
Most hardware stores will pre-cut your lumber and plywood. It's cheaper to make sure your birds are safe, than to constantly replace them when they get eaten. Whatever you do, make sure that the latch isn't too simple. Raccoons have opposable thumbs and are quite good at opening simple latches
Little breeds like Terrier breeds, Dachshunds, etc, are used for finding small or burrowing animals - rabbits, gophers, snakes, etc.  Our friends have a Dachshund that will sit outside the chicken pen and just fascinate herself watching the chickens for hours every day.  Mankind has bred a wide variety of dog breeds for various jobs.

She is part yorkshire and part llaso

She more obsessed with checking on these chickens than i am.
First thing in the morning she wakes up earlier than she ever has to run to the back door and get out there to see what they are doing
Everything loves to eat chicken. Foxes, raccoons, bears, coyotes, owls, the list goes on. Unless your yard is completely enclosed, covered, and dig-proof, you need to provide your chickens with a secure location for the night. Chickens can't really see in the dark, and when sleeping, can't hear predators approaching. They are pretty helpless and defenseless at night. They won't run away from things trying to eat them. So unless you want to go out in the morning for chores and find everyone massacred, lock them up at night in a solid, secure coop.

I figured that... Sigh... They are locked up every night in a small coop but we need bigger one... With the new babies we need room.

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