post your chicken coop pictures here!

Got ours all done
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The ramp is actually nailed to the base of the coop. As far as a roost plan, we took care of that today. We put in 2 branches a couple of feet off the floor. Good suggestion about covering the best boxes. I had someone build the whole thing for me so I have to kind of work with his ideas. I also have a couple of other options for nest boxes later. The reason for putting them under the window was because the kids could see if anyone was laying before the just walked in.

Later I will put in a couple of t posts and add an on-the-ground run. We have been carrying them to the garden to get bugs a couple of times/day. Eventually the plains to build a Chunnel connecting the run and the garden. Right now I'm broke.
Thanks for your suggestions!

The foundation was from an old deer stand on the property I just bought. This is my first time owning chickens or building anything of this size so this was a really fun project.

The foundation was from an old deer stand on the property I just bought. This is my first time owning chickens or building anything of this size so this was a really fun project.
You are an artist and a carpenter as well.... Awesome coop Awesome repupose.... absolutely love the colors too.

And Welcome to BYC
from the San Diego High desert

Finally, pics of our finished coop. We have 4 girls right now, and hoping to get 4-8 more. Also have space in the coop for our two Rabbits.

Love the poop board with the PDZ. Clean-up is so easy.

The chickens have decided not to use the nesting boxes, and are laying in the shavings on the floor in the corner by the bunny cage!


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