post your chicken coop pictures here!


The poultry hex wire will keep chickens inside but it won't keep predators like dogs or raccoons from tearing it up. Our 4x6 coop came with this flimsy poultry wire and 2 stray dogs broke our fence gate and attacked our coop. The mutts couldn't dig under the coop because of a paver stone walkway around the base but they mangled the poultry wire beyond repair and we would've lost the chickens if not for a good neighbor who chased off the mutts.
I just got done remodeling an old milk house on our property into a chicken coop. The images are below, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I've been roped into building a run for my mom-n-law!!! Forget the wood frame... I'm thinking I'll go PVC pipe to make it easier to put together by myself and light enough to move if I need to... NO MEN needed thank you!!! :plbb
I can build it myself Mr. Procurator. My flock is about to grow by about 14 more and he's still not got my coop built. I'll just do that myself as well if I need to. But first I need to secure the area for my 6 babies that will be making the trip a few miles down the road to my in-laws.

Wish me luck
I've been roped into building a run for my mom-n-law!!! Forget the wood frame... I'm thinking I'll go PVC pipe to make it easier to put together by myself and light enough to move if I need to... NO MEN needed thank you!!!

I can build it myself Mr. Procurator. My flock is about to grow by about 14 more and he's still not got my coop built. I'll just do that myself as well if I need to. But first I need to secure the area for my 6 babies that will be making the trip a few miles down the road to my in-laws.

Wish me luck
You can do this. Good Luck
I've been roped into building a run for my mom-n-law!!! Forget the wood frame... I'm thinking I'll go PVC pipe to make it easier to put together by myself and light enough to move if I need to... NO MEN needed thank you!!!

I can build it myself Mr. Procurator. My flock is about to grow by about 14 more and he's still not got my coop built. I'll just do that myself as well if I need to. But first I need to secure the area for my 6 babies that will be making the trip a few miles down the road to my in-laws.

Wish me luck
I'm using track and stud light galvanized metal for my pens,it is normally used for dry walling, in fact I am busy now building grow out pens now with the same material.

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