post your chicken coop pictures here!

Hello all!!

I had a brainstorm (0r brainfart) this morning. I came up with an idea for a portable chicken swing. It may not be able to be used in smaller runs, but in the bigger runs it will work very well. It would be perfect for a backyard chicken lover who lets his/her birds freerange. Light weight, easily moved around the yard.

What I need is honest feedback on what you think. Keep it honest, not ugly. LOL

Hey kenmlang I will keep it honest .. I like the swing it looks good and I would definitely have it in my garden for my gals.

This not a criticism or an “ugly” just a but; I can picture my gals all perched across the top and no one actually on the swing itself
which is not a bad thing because it will still be getting used.
Hey kenmlang I will keep it honest .. I like the swing it looks good and I would definitely have it in my garden for my gals.

This not a criticism or an “ugly” just a but; I can picture my gals all perched across the top and no one actually on the swing itself
which is not a bad thing because it will still be getting used.

I thank you for your response. That would be great. I have done some research on this, today, and have found out, unless you have a really brave bird, they need coaxing to use it. Once the other girls see that it is not going to hurt them, they will start "a-swangin".
No problemo kenmlang, your welcome.

I hope you are able to encourage someone to use the swing and please share pictures.

I just know what my gals are like and they seem to have a knack for using stuff I build, just not for the purpose it was intended

I converted a fish tank stand into a ‘security’ area in the garden complete with cover and roost; they sit on top of it!

I built a cover to give their food some additional protection from the weather; they sit on top of it!

I installed an internal wall to provide added seclusion to one of the nest boxes; they sit on top of it!

Thanks Sylvester. We put the ramp to the Eglu because we had small chucks at the time but we've since taken it away and they jump up the Eglu steps easily enough. Good idea to tarp the area, we may well do that. They roam free in the garden during the day and take shelter under a caravan but they are undermining it huge dust holes :eek:)

Our English Setter was fascinated with them at first and brought our Bantum to me in her mouth a couple of times but now (not a problem, as she has a soft mouth and good nature - I recommend this breed to anyone with chickens or small children) but now she is scared of the chickens!

We can get our chucks to use the Glug nipple water dispenser. Any advice?
take the old waterer out, and toss in some water rich treats like cucumbers and melon. grab a couple of them and show them that water will drip out of the nipples.
Hello all!!

I had a brainstorm (0r brainfart) this morning. I came up with an idea for a portable chicken swing. It may not be able to be used in smaller runs, but in the bigger runs it will work very well. It would be perfect for a backyard chicken lover who lets his/her birds freerange. Light weight, easily moved around the yard.

What I need is honest feedback on what you think. Keep it honest, not ugly. LOL

Great idea and would look good in the run or out in the garden. Couple of concerns; If more than one bird gets on that swing, it looks like it could potentially fail, collapsing to the side (from the weight). Second concern is the diameter of the swing (pole/dowel) itself... chicks might be able to clasp that perch, but an adult bird would have a horrible time trying to hold on as the "pole" is way too narrow for their feet. You really need something 3-4" in diameter. That way they'll feel more "secure" when it moves and not fall off. Maybe a 2x4 on the flat with 4 anchor points, 2 at each end, 1 for each corner? or a section of one of those round fence posts or fence "rails"?
Hello all!!

I had a brainstorm (0r brainfart) this morning. I came up with an idea for a portable chicken swing. It may not be able to be used in smaller runs, but in the bigger runs it will work very well. It would be perfect for a backyard chicken lover who lets his/her birds freerange. Light weight, easily moved around the yard.

What I researched about chicken swings is that the free-range chickens don't really use them or even elevated perches. But many who have chickens in a coop environment have found the swings break up the monotony of coop life. I made a long perch for our girls outdoors at 2 levels and they decided they liked the 3 smooth fireplace bricks I laid on the ground. Go figure? I did however once have a White Leghorn that liked to sit on our old wheelbarrow handles when she groomed herself.
We are going from this setup.......

To this which is currently in progress......repurposed from where we had had an above ground pool and deck but tore down the pool and used part of the shell for the roof of new coop you can see off ground on remaining deck portion. I should be able to add more pictures as we progress. Fiancee was working on siding being put up today. We have also have completely enclosed this area with wire fencing which was not the case when this picture was taken but just to give everyone an idea where we are headed.

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