post your chicken coop pictures here!

I wish my first flock would have been so talented. I lost all but 2 to predators. We know for sure we had a bobcat in the area. We have Hawks which we are sure got some of them. I had 3 hens and a beautiful rooster and 4 juveniles. I was left with just the roo and one juvenile. I rehomed them. That was tough! Wild Bill was my baby. Anyway, we can't free range so put up a 10x10x6 kennel. We built a door for them to go in and out. Lock them up at night. Eventually another will be on the front of it. They can go front to back both covered. They're doing fine, but they'll do better with the added pen in front. I tried free range it failed miserably. There are free range chickens down the road. Don't know what losses they have but my flock is so small losing one is one too many.

I'm tempted to make a chicken tunnel. Seen pics on line of them. I'd like to have them running in one when I'm home. They'd love it.

Your city neighborhood has Bobcats?  They're nasty.  I'm so sorry to hear about your losses.  My DD lives in the suburb city but her property butts up against a natural local preserve for hiking and trails - it has attracted Coyotes, Lynx, Bobcats, once a Bear, and a couple years ago a Cougar!  Not to mention smaller pests like Rattlesnakes, Skunks, Coons, Possums, Wild Rabbits, Deer, loose Dogs, Hawks, etc.  They've caught photos of several wildlife critters on their night camera.

I'm further away from the Mountain behind us and have been fortunate not to have critters like Skunks or Snakes - but that doesn't mean there isn't danger from someone's loose Python or Boa pet or the city night critters like Coons and Possums.  We all need to assess our property for local predators and build accordingly.  The key to our 4 hens' survival in our little cottage backyard has been several scattered shelters, doghouses, and popup canopy and we plan to add stickery evergreen, roses, and berry bushes along the fence line - all for the girls to hide/snooze under during the daytime.  We have a giant flock of neighborhood Crows that are wonderful at leaving our chickens alone and chasing off the Cooper's Hawks (chicken hawk).  I never cared for Crows until I learned how valuable they were at chasing off predatory birds.  The Crows don't even bother our vegetable beds.

I've seen chicken tunnel photos and videos too.  Sounds like a neat idea if one can be constructed sturdy enough to keep out digging canines like Coyotes, Foxes, Dogs, etc.  We are getting rid of our 60-y/o chainlink fence and replacing with a 6-ft block wall with added privacy fencing to make it even taller.  Won't keep out the Hawks but will make it difficult for digging critters to enter! 

I live in a very rural small town. We don't have a fenced yard. Plus, we are on a corner lot with the other sides complete over grown. None clears their lots beside or behind us ever. Deer come out into are yard at night but so doe other pesky night time varmets. We are only about 30 miles from Galveston as the crows. I went a long time with no trouble so I started thinking my flock could free range in the day time, oh well. My new flock is doing great. They look so healthy. Their feathers are soft and shiny. I'm not going to feel bad about confining them. I do feel bad it's taking longer to get the other pen up. Life's drama has gotten in the way but it will get done. Sounds like you have a great setup. Lots of cool little hiding places :-D
Here is our chicken coop build. Not finished yet, but getting there. 8x12 size and 2 feet off ground. Will have a 16 foot run, plus the chickens will be able to hang out under the coop as well! Coop will hold 12 chickens comfortably, although we only have 7 as of right now. Will also have a small area to the right of door to store supplies and will have feed and water pvc pipes inside area going through wall to outside run so I can feed and water chickens from inside!
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What are the dimensions of your coop and how many chickens do you have? We are currently building our first coop and yours looks to have similar dimensions. We only have one hen right now, but I'm curious as to how many we will be able to fit comfortably.

.....this was meant to be a reply to another member's post, but somehow it posted as a separate reply. I have no idea how to delete. Sorry!
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My little coop!

What are the dimensions of your coop and how many chickens do you have? We are currently building our first coop and yours looks to have similar dimensions. We only have one hen right now, but I'm curious as to how many we will be able to fit comfortably.
What are the dimensions of your coop and how many chickens do you have? We are currently building our first coop and yours looks to have similar dimensions. We only have one hen right now, but I'm curious as to how many we will be able to fit comfortably.

.....this was meant to be a reply to another member's post, but somehow it posted as a separate reply. I have no idea how to delete. Sorry!

LOL... you can delete the contents... I have done it many times.... I just go back into edit and erase everything and then type

"Ooops wrong spot." or something apprapropiate...

You cant delete the acutal post without getting a moderator involved. So rather than put anyone to any more work... thats what I do.


It's 4ft wide, 8ft long and 10ft high. Has upper level on one side for roost and nest boxes. It's set on concrete. Sand for floor over the concrete. Due to losses I'm now building covered run. Soon to have covered run on front as well. Carpentry curtesy of my sweet hubby. Suitable for 4-5. Other side has double door entry for cleaning poop board and egg collection although this new flock just started laying and doesn't know where to lay.
What are the dimensions of your coop and how many chickens do you have? We are currently building our first coop and yours looks to have similar dimensions. We only have one hen right now, but I'm curious as to how many we will be able to fit comfortably.

.....this was meant to be a reply to another member's post, but somehow it posted as a separate reply. I have no idea how to delete. Sorry!

LOL... you can delete the contents... I have done it many times....  I just go back into edit and erase everything and then type

"Ooops wrong spot."   or something apprapropiate... 

You cant delete the acutal post without getting a moderator involved.  So rather than put anyone to any more work...  thats what I do.


Love your coop. I want to give you an ovation but I'm using my phone and it won't let me do it. Sorry
What are the dimensions of your coop and how many chickens do you have? We are currently building our first coop and yours looks to have similar dimensions. We only have one hen right now, but I'm curious as to how many we will be able to fit comfortably.

.....this was meant to be a reply to another member's post, but somehow it posted as a separate reply. I have no idea how to delete. Sorry!

Finally got them in there. I have a few more things to finish up with their roost and stuff. But I had to get them out of the tractor that was supposed to be very temporary. Its tough building something that big all by yourself. Do you know how hard it is to level a 10' long board?

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