post your chicken coop pictures here!

Well done for using recycled materials! Looks good and easy maintenance. Looks like they'll be free ranging during the day?

A few thoughts: 
You might notice is that they decide to roost in the nesting boxes because they are placed up higher.
With that size coop, you'll probably only have 2-3 chickens (although it depends on the actual size, which is hard to tell on a pic)?
So you could get away with perhaps 2 nestboxes.

You might want to install an 'egg door' inside of the bigger door so you can look for eggs w/o opening up a whole side.

What ventilation do you have? Depending on where you live in Texas, you could conceivably have one whole side out of 1/2" hardware cloth, on the protected side from wind and rain. At least I'd consider installing long openings up high, with 1/2" hardware cloth behind them.
Then you could eliminate the highest roost or two (you won't need more than two, probably)  and lower the nest boxes.
I have a smaller coop like yours, and my nest boxes are under the main roost, with a poop board as the nest box roof.
And with the extra openings up high,  you'd get ventilation, but not drafts directly on them. 

They do tend to need at least some roosts that are wide enough to rest on. Chickens don't grip, they stand on the roost and side on their feet in cold weather to keep them warm.  So you'd want 2x4's on their side, or a 3-4" branch. 

Very well built; the coop looks solid!

First, thanks. Yes they will be free range during the day. And I actually have 5. Moving the nesting boxes to the ground and making a roosting bar above it is a great idea and would create a lot of space, as well as removing some of the excess roosting perches! I'll be adding a large ventilation window covered by wire mesh later this evening. Once summer hits I'll also be adding a solar fan. Thanks for the ideas!
Still in the process of being built but I'm happy with it for my two hens.

***Does anyone have ideas on where I should put a roost? I only plan to have the two hens so I don't need anything big.
The coop/run itself is only 6'x3' & 6' tall...
The below images are what I'm trying to accomplish. With a few changes.

Also, does their food and water go in the run or do I put it up top where they roost and nest? I feel like if I put it up there they will never leave the top portion...

Quote: Make it higher than the nest box You dont want em sleeping in the nest box because they poop all night... makes for nasty eggsies. If your chickens arent laying eggs yet keep the nest boxes blocked so they dont learn to sleep in them at all.

so Higher than the nest box and a foot from the wall so they can turn around.

***Does anyone have ideas on where I should put a roost? I only plan to have the two hens so I don't need anything big.
The coop/run itself is only 6'x3' & 6' tall...
The below images are what I'm trying to accomplish. With a few changes.

Also, does their food and water go in the run or do I put it up top where they roost and nest? I feel like if I put it up there they will never leave the top portion...

If it is secure around the bottom (you could use a lightly buried apron around the base), then I'd put the food and water in the little run area, and they could eat and drink as soon as they wake up.
We just finished our first coop. We still have to finish the door design and some painting. Here's the "Whoop Coop" build entirely from construction yard scrap material. I may two opening doors for easy cleaning and collecting. Since this is our first coop I'm totally open to suggestions .

First, thanks. Yes they will be free range during the day. And I actually have 5. Moving the nesting boxes to the ground and making a roosting bar above it is a great idea and would create a lot of space, as well as removing some of the excess roosting perches! I'll be adding a large ventilation window covered by wire mesh later this evening. Once summer hits I'll also be adding a solar fan. Thanks for the ideas!

What are the dimensions of the coop? You need 5' of roost space for 5 standard chickens. You want 18" between parallel roosts which should be 12" minimum from a parallel wall. I'm guessing you don't have that sort of room so you might want to put in 1 or 2 perpendicular to the roost running the length of the coop. It depends on how long the coop is. Get rid of the whole "ladder" thing, it is just blocking access to the coop. Any chicken can hop up onto the roost bar with no effort. A 2 week old chick can go 2' up.

Move the nest boxes to the bottom, put some sort of back on them because you don't want an egg that might be up against the back wall to fall out when you open the door. Also, I would guess that door is pretty heavy, as was suggested, it might be good to have a nest box access door and an "access the rest of the coop" door. OR since you are moving them anyway, now is a good time to move the nest boxes to the outside with an angled hinged top for collecting with the existing door cut down to access the space where the nests are now. It will give you more space in the coop
And how big are the nest boxes? 12x12 is pretty much the minimum. With 5 hens you can easily do with no more than 3 nests.

***Does anyone have ideas on where I should put a roost? I only plan to have the two hens so I don't need anything big.
The coop/run itself is only 6'x3' & 6' tall...
The below images are what I'm trying to accomplish. With a few changes.

Also, does their food and water go in the run or do I put it up top where they roost and nest? I feel like if I put it up there they will never leave the top portion...

Their food and water can be in the run space. They neither eat nor drink when roosting or laying.

Do you know about chicken math? Those 2 might become 3, 4, 5, more because chicks are so cute
***Does anyone have ideas on where I should put a roost? I only plan to have the two hens so I don't need anything big.
The coop/run itself is only 6'x3' & 6' tall...
The below images are what I'm trying to accomplish. With a few changes.

Also, does their food and water go in the run or do I put it up top where they roost and nest? I feel like if I put it up there they will never leave the top portion...

I have a coop similar to what your building.

I have a waterer and feeder made from 4 inch pvc

There are 2 roosts inside above the openings to the egg nestboxes.

I added a 6 ft x 12 ft dog kennel panel run. I have 5 happy and healthy hens.

We just finished our first coop. We still have to finish the door design and some painting. Here's the "Whoop Coop" build entirely from construction yard scrap material. I may two opening doors for easy cleaning and collecting. Since this is our first coop I'm totally open to suggestions .
I once considered building something similar. If your looking for ideas on how to make your design better take a look here.
Ok I'm looking for a chicken coop I found here a few weeks ago .I saved it to my phone but my phone got we and I had to change it . Please help it was very large white and baby blue with a culpe on top. White trim. Coolest coop I have ever seen . Please help.
Ok I'm looking for a chicken coop I found here a few weeks ago .I saved it to my phone but my phone got we and I had to change it . Please help it was very large white and baby blue with a culpe on top. White trim. Coolest coop I have ever seen . Please help.

If you are on desk top and the pictures the pictures shown are the recent pictures. But there is a spot where you can view all.

It starts with the first pictures but you can paruse them a sheet at a time.

Hope this helps


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