post your chicken coop pictures here!

Those coops and the set up look great! Just a question or two... With no cleats on the ramps for the chicken feet to grab hold of, do they have any slipping problems trying to climb up into the coop? They look like all adult LF birds, so they could probably just hop up to the opening if they wanted. The ramp in the little coop looks especially steep. Love the warning signs too... that ought to work on non-observant 2 legged chicken/egg thieves!
I love Amish coops and yours are very cute! How close are your trees? Close enough for a raccoon to jump from the trees into the run? Good to have electric fencing for the ground predators! Do your hens ever want to fly out of the run? I had one Leghorn once that liked to fly up to high places but eventually she learned to stay in the yard after we retrieved her a couple times from the top of roofs and fences.

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