post your chicken coop pictures here!

Ya unless u don't want them in there it makes me mad that i have to chase them out of the flower beds every 5 minutes and then my mom sees them in them she flips out and says well be having chicken for dinner
Well have to get some chicken wire to go around the beds to keep the mulch in he beds and not three feet out of them we have 7 flower beds on just one acre and then on the other side of the yard which is another acre we have 3 flower beds plus a huge garden that is possibly about 12 feet wide and 45 feet long with 16 tomato plants 4 cucumber we make our own pickles waltermelon zucchini cantaloupe gourds and we are going to be planting strawberries so are yard will look like we are try into baby proof the yard for the chickens
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And one of the flower beds they turned into there dust bath area every day u let them out that's where they go first to take a bath and then they hit the other beds were there is still flowers
That is too funny. I have chickens that go nuts for live earwigs. Especially Echo. When I first found a nest of earwigs outside I figured chickens eat bugs so I took some to the girls. OF COURSE at first they wouldn't get close to them, new things are scary. But when one tried it and came running back they all came in (just like the first time they had BOSS). After that I collected a bunch of earwigs in a 1 quart yogurt container and if I sat down Echo would be in my lap, head in the container scarfing up all the earwigs before any other bird could get some.

Well it's just odd that they won't eat something they used to love they would jump up in the air for them but now they look at it like we'res the food u brought me but the are so spoiled it's probably why they won't eat them

My kidults are like that.

Ya mine were eating styrofoam insulation that was in there coop to keep wind out and heat in through the winter in the gaps of the rafters but they were having the midnight much i.e. on the styrofoam and letting there heat out

Styrofoam isn't good for them, cover it with something. I do not know WHY they like to eat rigid insulation but my girls did it too.
This is what my husband and I put together for our 2 small chickens(Bonnie & Clyde). Didnt wanna mix them up with the mixed breeds.
A couple palets, some wire fencing, and an old truck cab as a roof. They seem to enjoy it!!
I want to plant some flowers around mine, is there any I should avoid or any type they won't eat?
You could put up some hanging baskets or pots screwed to walls that's what I do.Roses are left alone as are butterfly bushes.{You'll probably have to protect roots with a chicken wire cage when small] Search ''Plants chickens won't eat'' there was an article on here somewhere.Good luck!

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