post your chicken coop pictures here!

MMM not sure I know yours. I'm Frank, pleasure to meet ya!
Don't feel bad calling me Meep, I have made and continue to make a deliberate attempt to keep public online identities separate from my offline identity... Just a personal preference thing that I started doing long ago on dial in BBS forums even before the WWW Internet...
OMG! Someone besides me remembers the days of dial in BBS forums before the Internet. Meep, I think were showing our age.:old
Me too though I started using deb a while ago.... Its far from my whole name. Thats what I hate about Face book. I seriously dont mind being called Perchie though. You cant be too careful online. even with the most secure sites. thats why when I ask people where they are located I really prefer they just say their general area.... helps when you try to answer their questions. deb
I remember sending info by punch tape to the big computer at San Diego state so they could run my programs for me.... and dial up modems that were a big box that you sat a phone reciever in..... deb
Wow, never heard of any of that lol sounds like so much work! Good idea to keep identities seperate though but i havent for some reason. Twitter and Facebook and stuff is real, though one twitter is semi anonymous and only my first name. Anyway, i dont mind. Mine is Kelsey. You guy's are easier, like deb or perchie or meep, kdogg331 is kinda an awkward username to say and type lol so my actual name is fine. Though i am gonna go edit a post i made to not say my exact town lol
That is so cute! Planning on free-ranging them? They'll get bored in that small run space. After a month of keeping two Silkies in a 4x6 pen we had to start free-ranging them. It was ok -- we set up a lot of dog houses, pop-up canopies, tall potted plants, plywood sheets set on cinderblocks, lawn furniture, etc, as snooze/hiding places from aerial predators.
That's a great assortment of things for those beautiful Silkies. We aren't in a good position to free-range but we do plan on adding a good amount of run for them in the next couple of weeks.
Wow, never heard of any of that lol sounds like so much work!

Good idea to keep identities seperate though but i havent for some reason. Twitter and Facebook and stuff is real, though one twitter is semi anonymous and only my first name.

Anyway, i dont mind. Mine is Kelsey. You guy's are easier, like deb or perchie or meep, kdogg331 is kinda an awkward username to say and type lol so my actual name is fine. Though i am gonna go edit a post i made to not say my exact town lol

Never mind, that answer and another users was deleted, not sure why. Oh well
Hi Janene!

Just in case you wondering, I go by Ali, not my full name but eh you have to be somewhat safe these days. Find me?Eh, welcome to the woods. Just start asking chicken questions then your safe. lolol
Oh I forgot! I moved my chicks to my brooder. The brooder plates came! Now to move quail tomorrow and get a bossy cochin into a time out pen.
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Just in case you wondering, I go by Ali, not my full name but eh you have to be somewhat safe these days. Find me?Eh, welcome to the woods. Just start asking chicken questions then your safe. lolol

That makes sense!

Yeah, ya gotta be real careful but I'm really not, it's probably bad. But eh. I never really use my Twitter with my full name, it was for family to follow and a few friends from my other account. Facebook is only family and close friends and music friends. I was kinda dumb and made the username when I was like 12 on a forum or AOL or something and have used it ever since. It's K for Kelsey and my birthday (i know probably bad) and the dogg.. well.. i was like 12 and thought a "gansta" name would be funny? Not really at all.. LOL but maybe it was popular then? No clue. Im 22 now. But yeah.
Wow, never heard of any of that lol sounds like so much work!

It wasn't much work, but the transfer speeds were very slow... You could literally read the text faster then it transferred, so you spent a lot of time waiting... And if it wasn't a local BBS number that was in your 'free' prefix calling package the per-minute charges on your phone bill added up real real real fast... Plus it wasn't exactly fast paced forums since most small BBS systems were in peoples houses using a 2nd phone line and you had to keep calling back until you actually got through then wait hours if not days for a single reply since only one person could be online at a time unless they had multiple phone lines at their house...

Hubby built thus for me. Its working great with front and back door. And roof opens for reaching in etc. But decided to put bigger wheels in because of the sand. Otherwise very sturdy and safe for the chickens. Let me know what you think? :)
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Here are my test 4.... All 5 weeks old. Fully feathered. If all goes well with these 4 tonight my other 25 older babies will join these 4.... Poor girls are paying the price for being the most roust. They like jumping out of the brooder
Saw this on Facebook today and I just had to share. An Ultimate Chicken coop.

I'm guessing the ladder goes up to the cupola where you can survey your chicken kingdom in style.
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