post your chicken coop pictures here!

We are historical reenactors living in a little 240 yr. old house that has been a DIY labor of love to restore for over 17 years. We JUST got chickens for the first time---4 English buff orpingtons, and put up a coop. We have just finished building our own fence of trees we cut down, and have 'tricked out' our coop with period style hardware and 'leaded' windows to go with our old New Hampshire house. My husband thought our fence was reminiscent of the stockade fences at Plimoth Plantation, etc., and we had a piece of highly weathered 18thc. board, and a 17thc. 'Brit' flag---since we do that type of reenacting. Hubby has a degree in illustration and design, and is creative and quirky. He said the fence reminded him of an old fort...SO...what did we do??? Well, created one, of course! We made our flag pole from a tree we cut down, and hubby hand painted 'FORT ORPINGTON' in 17thc. font on the old board, which we affixed to the fence around our coop and run! We think it looks just grand with our home and the old-time lifestyle we live---(Yes, that is us in the avatar photo!) HERE ARE A FEW PHOTOS OF OUR EFFORTS!
It's grand! I want to do a swing in our new run. Do they like it?
I have never had an open run or free ranged. Do they not fly out?

Only if they want to

Pretty much any chicken can get out of a 4' fence, especially if they can land on top. Some breeds aren't willing to say inside a 6' fence. But, IF there is lots for them to do and eat inside an area, they may choose to stay inside.
Only if they want to ;)

Pretty much any chicken can get out of a 4' fence, especially if they can land on top. Some breeds aren't willing to say inside a 6' fence. But, IF there is lots for them to do and eat inside an area, they may choose to stay inside.
I would really like them to be able to have a larger area but I don't think they would be safe if they were inclined to hop out. Guess I'll stick with the enclosed run plan...

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