post your chicken coop pictures here!

I just started and will post the first day's work when I figure out how.


Nice and sturdy looking. What sort of surface will you be moving it on once it is filled with chickens? I am worried those wheels are much too small for anything but hardscape.
If I have to, I'll exchange the wheels for wider wheels. I'm trying to avoid pneumatic tires. I'm estimating the finished coop to weigh about 300 lbs by the time I fill the water and feed buckets.
I now have all the boards installed the bats will come later I need to get this hen house ready for the girls they have out grown their temp shelter. I should have it ready for them in the next week they are now around 14 weeks old. I let them free range all day but their temp dog house enclosure is getting small for the 18 of them 2 roosters and 16 hens. Here is a shot showing the siding installed (it still needs trim and bat boards installed). I will add a picture google drive is not synced to my phone. Mike I am going to start the inside tomorrow evening I just bought 7 sheets of reject siding for $10 a sheet to line the inside and I am going to pick up some linoleum for the floor some latex paint and they will have a hen house. Man this has taken much longer than I planned. I will go back after the hen house and run is complete and do the finish work on the outside.
Looking great Mike!!
I love seeing everyone's pics of their Coops!!! Ok, quick question on the openings we have cut on the North & South wall, when it rains since there is no overhang, it runs into the coop & gets the floor wet. 1 of the pics I posted shows the opening that's above the pop door & we have one on opposite wall also that is South facing. What can we use or buy, etc to correct that problem? The window that we put in the door is West facing & I am worried about the placement of the window & the girls getting a draft in the Winter. The other 2 "window's are above the roost, but that one worries me. I know we're needing to put some add'l vents in, we just haven't gotten that part done yet. They've been in this coop since June & doing really good so far, but I worry about the winter time & getting enough ventilation & then again anymore little vents we cut we'll need to have something to keep rain from running straight down the wall & into the Coop. Thanks for any feedback!!

Thanks for the heads up we've put the chickens in for a little bit and they loved it

I bet they did! Chickens love to scratch, and run, and flap their wings!!! Great to watch and enjoy them! The best pet that gives you returns in eggs and good free fertilizer!! I save the straw and poop for compost in the garden beds. Can't use smelly cat or dog poop that way ~

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