post your chicken coop pictures here!

Not to start a disagreement, but to suggest how to solve stray eggs issues. In my opinion the more run room provided, THE BETTER... That area under coop is also dry. (from direct precipitation). Chickens may choose to dust bathe there . A+ plus.. Now if for some reason a chicken lays an egg there, very simple solution is to retrieve it with a small can attached to a long stick. I have such a setup that I use to get eggs from my winter housing lofts. 4 foot piece of 1" x 2" wood with a tuna can attached on one end.

Good idea and I agree the more area/space chickens have the better. For getting into hard-to-reach places in the coop or around the yard we got a child's plastic rake. A child's size is shorter than the big adult rakes and the plastic tongs are softer for rolling an egg out without cracking it. We have only 4 hens so not a common problem to have eggs layed outside the nestboxes.
The Eggcorn Chalet of Acorn Acres

I'm still putting the finishing touches on the run, but the coop itself is finished.

The coop is attached to the run, which is it's only access. The run is 400 square feet, made out of 6Ft high chain link, welded wire roof with a tarp sheltering 150 square feet of it covering the area over the coop exits. Hardware cloth 2 feet up all four sides with a 12 inch skirt. Water runoff from the tarp will be collected into storage bins supplying water for the chickens.

The poop trays were a last minute addition, but I'm glad I did, they catch so much that the bedding on the floor is still clean even after a week housing eleven birds. they're filled with PDZ which not only neutralizes ammonia but also tends to dry out and solidify the droppings. Five minutes with a kitty litter scoop and both 6 foot trays are clean!

The cabinet along the wall also creates two nesting areas on either side, and either 'wing' can be screened off if necessary creating a 6 square foot brooding area inside the coop with whichever nesting box the hen is sitting in at one end.

I also plan on running an electrical line from the shed so I can use a birdbath heater to keep their water from freezing during the coldest days/nights of winter.
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Not to start a disagreement, but to suggest how to solve stray eggs issues. In my opinion the more run room provided, THE BETTER... That area under coop is also dry. (from direct precipitation). Chickens may choose to dust bathe there . A+ plus.. Now if for some reason a chicken lays an egg there, very simple solution is to retrieve it with a small can attached to a long stick. I have such a setup that I use to get eggs from my winter housing lofts. 4 foot piece of 1" x 2" wood with a tuna can attached on one end.
that is not the reason we can not get down we are both handiecaped and can not get down to even see if eggs are there, when my daughter was here she use to get down and get the eggs with a rake. we make it so we can take care of our pets ourself
Quote: Reading your post I got the impression you were telling JUNKMAN56 to close off the area under his coop. I can totally understand it in your case.

I'm still working on mine (with a little help from my 78 year old mother) I have been working on it a little at a time since early October. (Have to squeeze it in around work and weather...)
It's 8' x 6' and the front is roughly 6' high. (I'm short so it works). Back wall is less than 5' high. It will have two Windows, one facing south, the other facing east along with a door and pop hole for the girls to go out through. Just built a double nest box. Hoping to finish up this weekend. Any questions, feel free to ask.

I'm still working on mine (with a little help from my 78 year old mother) I have been working on it a little at a time since early October. (Have to squeeze it in around work and weather...)
It's 8' x 6' and the front is roughly 6' high. (I'm short so it works). Back wall is less than 5' high. It will have two Windows, one facing south, the other facing east along with a door and pop hole for the girls to go out through. Just built a double nest box. Hoping to finish up this weekend. Any questions, feel free to ask.

don't forget to have plenty of 24/7 ventilation. I had to add more to my coop. I think others that know alot more than I do, will chime in with more info.
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I'm still working on mine (with a little help from my 78 year old mother) I have been working on it a little at a time since early October. (Have to squeeze it in around work and weather...)
It's 8' x 6' and the front is roughly 6' high. (I'm short so it works). Back wall is less than 5' high. It will have two Windows, one facing south, the other facing east along with a door and pop hole for the girls to go out through. Just built a double nest box. Hoping to finish up this weekend. Any questions, feel free to ask.
Looking great there but as junkman said ventilation is the key to happy healthy
birds all year long maybe a roof vent or two could be placed at
the roofline

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