post your chicken coop pictures here!

Isn't Malaysia generally pretty warm? Lots of people even here in the US and in cold climates don't use them.

Although i guess it depends on where in Malaysia because i assume there are colder parts just like here? But even still I would think they would be fine or could get by with a regular light bulb
I don't think the birds are IN Malaysia but are a breed FROM Malaysia. I had 2 Cubalayas (Cuban breed originally) until the @#$% coon got them last summer. I don't think it gets to -20F in Cuba. In fact I doubt it often gets below 70F and my birds didn't need any supplemental heat. They just puffed up like all the other girls, including the Partridge Chanteclers which are a Canadian breed where it DOES get to -20F.
I don't think the birds are IN Malaysia but are a breed FROM Malaysia. I had 2 Cubalayas (Cuban breed originally) until the @#$% coon got them last summer. I don't think it gets to -20F in Cuba. In fact I doubt it often gets below 70F and my birds didn't need any supplemental heat. They just puffed up like all the other girls, including the Partridge Chanteclers which are a Canadian breed where it DOES get to -20F.

Ohhh okay, yeah, looking back that does make a lot more sense LOL I think I read it wrong, sorry!
I will probably wrap a tarp around the bottom run during the winter to help keep the snow out

I can't begin to understand battling snow since we live in a drought state - but for 5 years we got tired protecting our little 4x6 open wire coop from the sun and rain with tarps and pop-up canopy over it when it rained.

After 5 yrs of struggling to protect the little open wire coop we finally could afford a Barn Coop and built a patio roof over it so it was protected from sun or rain and we didn't have to get wet on days it rained when we collected eggs.


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