post your chicken coop pictures here!

[COLOR=0000CD]I just thought I could get you to chuckle a lil with this thats been flying all over the internet[/COLOR] My personal line that I use every winter when it gets REALLY COLD. [COLOR=FF0000] SAW A GUY TRYING TO RENT OUT AN APARTMENT IN A BURNING BUILDING. [/COLOR]:gig :lau
Ha! That's funny! Well it's warm here today! 15 degrees! The chickens even wanted out of their coop to explore a little!
Ya..basically had chicken fever..wanted some birds..built that..had alot material laying around..spent some cash on 2x4 and hardware cloth..was work but fun
Thats and whole project started with my sisters old cathouse..

TeeHee - at least you HAD a house! My first two Silkie chicks had to be raised in my friend's coop with her chicks until we finished remodeling our house and then bought a pre-built customer coop at our local feed store. I couldn't bring my Silkies home until they were 6-months old but at least I got to visit them often while they were growing up

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