post your chicken coop pictures here!

First time chicken owners here. Waiting on hardware cloth to arrive and some finishing touches, but overall I hope the chickies will be happy with their new home very soon. They are quickly out-growing their brooder. :)


First time chicken owners here. Waiting on hardware cloth to arrive and some finishing touches, but overall I hope the chickies will be happy with their new home very soon. They are quickly out-growing their brooder.

I'm sure your chickens will be very happy with their new home,
looks good you did a fine job. where are your nesting boxes, inside ?
I'm sure your chickens will be very happy with their new home,
looks good you did a fine job. where are your nesting boxes, inside ?

Thank you! My awesome husband, with no previous building experience, surprised himself even, haha. The nest boxes are outside the wall to the right with separate access. The coop is 4'5"x4'5" with the run almost right at 11'. Being in the middle of the city we were limited to where we could put it, but they should get several hours of free range time every day. :)

Edit - it just survived 70mph straight line winds with no visible damage. So they will be very safe too, lol!
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NICE....  Do you move it often and for what particular reason?

WISHING YOU BEST.... and :welcome

HI there, I move it for weather and seasons. I keep it closer to the pole barn for electricity in the colder months. Then around the yard during the spring and summer months. We are on 27 acres so there is plenty of space. I don't free range cause I have dogs, and I would never find the eggs. So I keep the area fenced in a chicken wire fence.
Some of these coops are really beautiful!!! I wish I had more space.
But we finished our coop (minus the finishing deco touches)

That looks great! If your chickens get some free range time, then the coop is mainly for egg laying and to keep them safe at night. Even your dog looks proud, is he OK around the chickens?

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