post your chicken coop pictures here!

Here is our coop.

Eggcellent.... Love your ID....
and a very belated Welcome To BYC
from San Diego
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Does anyone have recommendations on where I could buy a large chicken coop? I don't want to spend $1,500 just to have it start falling apart in a year like my last one.
Or building ideas! But I can't do anything "cheap" looking, my grandpa said no eye sores
Does anyone have recommendations on where I could buy a large chicken coop? I don't want to spend $1,500 just to have it start falling apart in a year like my last one.
Or building ideas! But I can't do anything "cheap" looking, my grandpa said no eye sores
I found my coop builder on Craigslist.
That can be risky, of course, but he has a web site and Facebook site for his business, with lots of pics and reviews, so it worked out.

That might be one option in your area.
Does anyone have recommendations on where I could buy a large chicken coop? I don't want to spend $1,500 just to have it start falling apart in a year like my last one.
Or building ideas! But I can't do anything "cheap" looking, my grandpa said no eye sores
Consider a garden shed of appropriate size. Modify to make a coop inside, and add sufficient ventilation. It will be sturdy and safe.
I found my coop builder on Craigslist.
That can be risky, of course, but he has a web site and Facebook site for his business, with lots of pics and reviews, so it worked out.

That might be one option in your area.

Checked Craigslist and didn't find anything

Consider a garden shed of appropriate size.    Modify to make a coop inside, and add sufficient ventilation.    It will be sturdy and safe. 

I'm afraid by the time I buy a shed, do the inside, and add a screened run it'll be more than just buying a coop or building from scratch, also not sure how good it would look

How big are you thinking?

I'm not sure exactly, big enough to hold 8-10 chickens who don't get to freerange.
And nothing mobile
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I'm afraid by the time I buy a shed, do the inside, and add a screened run it'll be more than just buying a coop or building from scratch, also not sure how good it would look
I'm not sure exactly, big enough to hold 8-10 chickens who don't get to freerange.
And nothing mobile

Start there a full grown chicken needs four square feet of coop space, and Ten Square feet of run space. So ten Chickens would need forty square feet for the coop and 100 square feet for the run. More is better if they never get to free range

That gives you a five by eight square foot coop, and an eight by twelve foot run. for ease of construction. Then consider a place to store feed and supplies.... Couple of trash cans, a bag or bale of bedding, and a place to keep extras like feed bowls the first aid kit and the bits of accumulation that happen when you have chickens. In my case I would want it all in the same location so add at least another four feet to the coop. With a screen partition. This way when its time to feed or clean you will be out of the elements and everything will stay dry.

An Eight by eight lawn shed would fill that bill. Rubbermaid makes some really nice ones that are easy to put together with simple tools. and can be locked. And yes you can build a partition in there out of wood .... and you can build a pop door using a drill to start the hole and a jig saw to finish it..... use a doggy door with the flap removed they have slide in doors for locking em.

Now the run it can be as simple as T posts driven in the soil and fenced with Welded wire... for strength and covered with netting. Or wood fence posts with an upper and lower wood to fasten hardware cloth too. Then two by four by eights across the top to support more wire for flying predators. Id make that at least six feet tall so you can go in there for cleaning.

Now the run it can be as simple as T posts driven in the soil and fenced with Welded wire... for strength and covered with netting. Or wood fence posts with an upper and lower wood to fasten hardware cloth too. Then two by four by eights across the top to support more wire for flying predators. Id make that at least six feet tall so you can go in there for cleaning.

What she said!!!

And if your chickens can't free range, then I'd go even larger with the run- you won't regret it. If you can't go larger, then consider getting fewer chickens.

And if there is nothing on Craigslist, then I'd google Chicken Coops and the name of your town. We must have at least 4-5 businesses in our area that build chicken coops.
Or, I'm not sure what your budget is, but a local carpenter could help build a coop (there are excellent plans online) or modify a shed, if that's too difficult. You could do the run.

If you can afford it, The Chicken Condos have nice coops. @Sylvester017 has one.
You could get the coop and add the run yourself.
Checked Craigslist and didn't find anything
I'm afraid by the time I buy a shed, do the inside, and add a screened run it'll be more than just buying a coop or building from scratch, also not sure how good it would look
I'm not sure exactly, big enough to hold 8-10 chickens who don't get to freerange.
And nothing mobile

Start there a full grown chicken needs four square feet of coop space,  and Ten Square feet of run space.   So ten Chickens would need  forty square feet for the coop and 100 square feet for the run.  More is better if they never get to free range

That gives you a five by eight square foot coop, and an eight by twelve foot run.  for ease of construction.    Then consider a place to store feed and supplies....  Couple of trash cans, a bag or bale of bedding, and a place to keep extras like feed bowls the first aid kit and the bits of accumulation that happen when you have chickens.  In my case I would want it all in the same location    so add at least another four feet to the coop.  With a screen partition.  This way when its time to feed or clean you will be out of the elements and everything will stay dry.

An Eight by eight lawn shed would fill that bill.   Rubbermaid makes some really nice ones that are easy to put together with simple tools.  and can be locked.  And yes you can build a partition in there out of wood .... and you can build a pop door using a drill to start the hole and a jig saw to finish it.....  use a doggy door with the flap removed they have slide in doors for locking em.

Now the run it can be as simple as T posts driven in the soil and fenced with Welded wire... for strength and covered with netting.  Or wood fence posts with an upper and lower wood to fasten hardware cloth too.    Then two by four by eights across the top to support more wire for flying predators.   Id make that at least six feet tall so you can go in there for cleaning.


I second what they said

Also I'm in the process of building a 4x8 coop, which the minimum size for 8, and it's not too expensive. We found a plan online but have modified it a bunch. But we used pressure treated plywood for the floor, which is probably the most expensive part, and then just regular 2x4 studs for the framing and we just used pine sheathing instead of plywood for the walls and I think roof because we put clapboard on it and shingles on the roof. We found cement siding (clapboard) really cheap on Craigslist. It's only a few hundred dollars. The original plan was like $200 which is why we chose it but we modified it, they used OSB which would just fall a part. We also built our frame on 2x6's and made it 6x8 instead of 4x8 so we add the nest boxes and a storage area. So it's a little more expensive but not much.

If I had to do it again, I would probably make it 6x8 instead of 4x8 just so the birds have that extra room and it's really not any more expensive. But my dad was insistent we're not getting more chickens lol

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