post your chicken coop pictures here!

My coop. I thought I was being really smart, but had to re-do some of it. a drawer in the side to slide out to clean is a bad idea - too heavy. The whole side opening up to clean is great. Not having a roof overhang - bad idea. Had to redo the roof. I hung shower liners from a PVC pipe to protect the windows from rain. I haven't got them secured along the bottom yet- but will do that this week end. I can slide it aside in warm weather and completely close the windows in the winter. Letting that dog near chickens- bad idea- new fence to keep them separate- great idea. I compost the pine shavings and poop from the roost and use it in my garden- great idea. Those PVC pipe feeders didn't work out for me- rats loved to come in and eat the food at night. I just give them fermented feed on a terra cotta planter saucer. It can get messy, but I clean the bottom of the run with fresh sand when it gets too bad. I also made a dust bathing area that they love. They free range all day in the back yard. The galvanized garbage can contains clean pine shavings and beside it is a pile of sand bags. I haven't figured out where to put the chicken swing. I will need to build a free standing frame since the run is so small.

Thanks for the kind words on my coop y'all. We got it all setup and the run built last weekend. The girls are all in and getting accustomed to each other. The little ones are still learning the ins and outs of everything but are starting to get along with the older ones.

We had a tarp as a cover over a section of the coop, between run run wall and coop, that I was hoping would stay up for a while until we got something more permanent... well it last 3 days and came down due to the weight put on it from a rain storm. Next up will be corrugated plastic roofing to cover that 8-10'x4' section as a permanent cover there. Until that goes up, the section is covered in aviary netting.
Pics! :) I liked your chicken house....I know your chickens did too. :) last year the same thing happened to me. We put a tarp up over the run hoping it would be a temporary fix...oh, for a few weeks or so at least. It lasted 3 days. :/ a storm came along and ripped it in half. We were scrambling for a way to cover the run. We have eventually roofed it but I just wanted to say look into shade duck run has a shade cloth and wind and water go right through it. It has been up for 7 months now with no problems. Except for the last heavy wet snow we had....that collected in it pretty badly and had to be shaken out. It provides decent shade for the ducks and they don't care about the rain. LOL
I turned an old playhouse into the coop and used 10x10x6 dog kennel to surround it for the run and covered it with chicken wire.


My husband built this about 3 years ago. We have added a smaller size pen and house to the side of it. When we need to separate a sick hen or something.

My husband built this about 3 years ago. We have added a smaller size pen and house to the side of it. When we need to separate a sick hen or something.

Does your chicken pop-door automatically close? Our climate is hot even during most of the winter days so our pop-door stays open most of the time. We close the walk-in pen at night but keep the coop's pop-door open.

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