Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Good luck, horsey. I'm rooting for you all the way. :hugs

I'm in a good mood, actually. I saw my best friend (from school) yesterday at my archery scrimage. We caught up and he planned to meet up with me on Minecraft.
Although he continually teases me and pokes fun of me (we go back and forth with that), he's motivating when he's NOT like that. XD but most of the time, he's poking fun of me and I'm poking fun of him back. XD
Call me crazy... But I think he likes me. >->
Well, actually that was quite a bit ago, it's not so great now...he said he would call me tonight and his mom was supposed to let him but's past 10 so I guess he can't call tonight. I won't have any contact with him starting January to May and then he goes into another place I guess until he's 18 in September...I won't even get to hear his voice on my birthday in March. I won't even be able to get a text that says I love you. Maybe he can write letters IDK I am just not taking it very well...just calls and texts I could handle but nothing...well let's just say I can't imagine going 5 months without holding his hand. I'm just scared he's like my best friend and I don't know what to do.
Your heart will ache. But you will be okay it takes time
you love moose

Moose are cool. Giants! I saw a heard of 5 when I was based in AK.

Arabians are hecka strong for their size, they go fast and far, while carrying a person on their back with a much larger ratio than other breeds.
Your heart will ache. But you will be okay it takes time
So he can't go into the military youth program thing, but is considering joining the National Guard for 4 to 6 years. His mother has now cut all contact with me. He can't even call me on her phone. We can't ever talk long enough to work anything out and it'
Good luck, horsey. I'm rooting for you all the way.

I'm in a good mood, actually. I saw my best friend (from school) yesterday at my archery scrimage. We caught up and he planned to meet up with me on Minecraft.
Although he continually teases me and pokes fun of me (we go back and forth with that), he's motivating when he's NOT like that. XD but most of the time, he's poking fun of me and I'm poking fun of him back. XD
Call me crazy... But I think he likes me. >->

Aw. Poking fun...sooo much fun. This guy I liked a long time ago, he always started this game of poke, you go poke somebody and they try to poke ya back. It was hilarious, especially when there were like 20 people playing. But every time he saw me he poked me (I know you don't mean literally poking was just reminded of this) and he actually liked me. I kina miss him (as a friend) he was always funny. But we moved. -.-

Goooooooood luck. :}

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