Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Wow, I haven't been on here in forever! I went to a wedding and this cute guy asked me to dance; of course I said "Sure!" I guess I have a crush on him, his name is Zachary. :)
My life is ruined!!!!
I don't know what to do,I feel so alone.
There is this boy I'm friends with,well he went and told my crush how I was going out with a bunch of guys! That is a lie! I have not!!
Now my crush,who was my best friend won't talk to me,and thinks it's true and has nothing to do with me!
What am I going to do? What other things has that friend said about me???

I'm life is over.
My life is ruined!!!! :hit I don't know what to do,I feel so alone.

There is this boy I'm friends with,well he went and told my crush how I was going out with a bunch of guys! That is a lie! I have not!!

Now my crush,who was my best friend won't talk to me,and thinks it's true and has nothing to do with me!

What am I going to do? What other things has that friend said about me???

I'm life is over. :hit

:hugs Don't panic. The situation may be nasty, but it could be salvageable yet.

Do you and your crush have any other mutual friends? Maybe you can ask one of them to talk with your crush about the situation. He may not be willing to talk with you, but maybe someone else can do the talking for you.

Good luck.
I am trying not to panic,but it just horribe! Why would someone even want to say lies about me?? and that person was a friend......
It may be alright,my crush (best bud too) said he believed me.........but I can't believe this happened,I am not like that!! Why say that about me?!

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I am trying not to panic,but it just horribe! Why would someone even want to say lies about me?? and that person was a friend......

It may be alright,my crush (best bud too) said he believed me.........but I can't believe this happened,I am not like that!! Why say that about me?!

I don't have any idea why someone would say things like that about someone else. It's a strange, nasty thing to do.
All I can figure is maybe he was jealous, and was trying to mess up you and your crush's friendship. That's just a wild guess though, and I wouldn't bet any money on it being correct. :/
My life is ruined!!!!
I don't know what to do,I feel so alone.
There is this boy I'm friends with,well he went and told my crush how I was going out with a bunch of guys! That is a lie! I have not!!
Now my crush,who was my best friend won't talk to me,and thinks it's true and has nothing to do with me!
What am I going to do? What other things has that friend said about me???

I'm life is over.
The truth shall set you free. Someone who is worthy... someone who is wise will find out the truth over the rumor. Pray and have faith love.
Thank you!

I am glad it only lasted a couple of made me upset.I'm nothing like that! Why say I'm going out whole bunch of guys when I'm not?!......but it's over now,my best bud said if I said it's a lie he believes me,I think it was just confusing,I was confused about it too.

I learned who my real friends are.

I guess I'm not use to people lying about me,so it was upsetting.......

Thanks ya'll for listening to me wine.....

Good night,I have a busy day tomorrow.


My other friend says it's because that friend likes me and is trying (again) to break up my friendship with my bud.......goodness,I wish it wasn't like this,but I can't be friends with a person who lies so much then starts lying about me behind my back or lies about my bud just to get us to stop talking and stop being yeah................
I hope it'll all continue to work out well for you. And if you have more trouble, well, I'm online a lot, as are a lot of other good people on this site. :)
Wow LovePolish2 that's tough.
I experienced things being said about me behind my back because I wanted to hang out with my boyfriend all the time. It even spread to the adults. I cried a lot over it but those who were my real friends knew what the truth was and I realize I don't need those other jerks. Just tell him the truth and if he's a real friend he'll believe you. Good luck!
Thank you.He believed me and it got better.
But.....we're just friends now.

Life is confusing,and people saying things like that just really sucks......

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