Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Quote: Awww Thanks!! Yes it is great! I already feel more alive, and have been wanting to do things again. I didn't realize how down I was while he was gone.

Sorry guys, I just have to add to the gorgeousness of the pictures on this thread. xP

Mmmmmhhhh.... yeeeeaaaahhhh. Look at the muscles on that guy. <333333333
Update on my horses... I really think Lil Mitzi might go blind, just like Fawn, the other blind Appaloosa here. It's a thing with Appaloosas... They'll get glaucoma and can only see shadows out of one eye but will see fine out of the other. However, medicine and treatments have no effect on it and it will, eventually, rear it's ugly head again and spread to the other eye, permanently blinding her. I really can't deal with anything right now. If anything else goes bad with ANY of my horses, I'll just snap and fall apart.
I'm just glad Angel hasn't contracted the same thing, (as she is an unspotted Appa.) baby girl got away lucky. However, Angel went on a trail ride with Buttercup, whom decided to bite Angel twice. She's okay though.
Clover got her first farrier visit and bath yesterday. Free lunged Big Mitzi, bathed her and Bender. And my friend Lindsey and I gave a bath to Angel, which lasted well over an hour. We absolutely doused Angel in shampoo and conditioner, she looked so funny with her pretty dark chestnut coat and all these white suds all over her. xDDD I wish I had pictures, it was great. She loved it though, and she looks so purdy now. :3 Readying her for the dressage/hunter/jumper show in two weeks! :) Most things are good, besides Lil Mitzi. Most things are looking up.
Update on my horses... I really think Lil Mitzi might go blind, just like Fawn, the other blind Appaloosa here. It's a thing with Appaloosas... They'll get glaucoma and can only see shadows out of one eye but will see fine out of the other. However, medicine and treatments have no effect on it and it will, eventually, rear it's ugly head again and spread to the other eye, permanently blinding her. I really can't deal with anything right now. If anything else goes bad with ANY of my horses, I'll just snap and fall apart.
I'm just glad Angel hasn't contracted the same thing, (as she is an unspotted Appa.) baby girl got away lucky. However, Angel went on a trail ride with Buttercup, whom decided to bite Angel twice. She's okay though.
Clover got her first farrier visit and bath yesterday. Free lunged Big Mitzi, bathed her and Bender. And my friend Lindsey and I gave a bath to Angel, which lasted well over an hour. We absolutely doused Angel in shampoo and conditioner, she looked so funny with her pretty dark chestnut coat and all these white suds all over her. xDDD I wish I had pictures, it was great. She loved it though, and she looks so purdy now. :3 Readying her for the dressage/hunter/jumper show in two weeks! :) Most things are good, besides Lil Mitzi. Most things are looking up.

A mixed bag of news, that's sad about Lil Mitzi, but keep holding on, things happen in life and that doesn't mean it's your fault!

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