Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Quote: Hey I liked the guys over 30 when I was your age they seemed so mature, good lookin.. but none were my type that were available XD

NOw the ones that were older than my dad or around his age I had issues with.. that was creepy.. like the old prue on a powered wheelchair smootching at me and cackling. 'Ain't you a sweet purdy thing' and winks... was CREEPY!! I just fake smiled.. and walked away really fast. LOL
Marie you need to go to Urbana Illinois to the missionary conference if you haven't gone already. I wanted to be one too, but ended up signing up for Uncle Sam instead. But I mission work one on one here, where ever I live :p
Hey I liked the guys over 30 when I was your age they seemed so mature, good lookin.. but none were my type that were available XD

NOw the ones that were older than my dad or around his age I had issues with.. that was creepy.. like the old prue on a powered wheelchair smootching at me and cackling. 'Ain't you a sweet purdy thing' and winks... was CREEPY!! I just fake smiled.. and walked away really fast. LOL

Tru true, I do have a thing for the 30 and up ones, haha, most of the time they are married though. But yes, you just described my neighbors minus the wheel chair, haha, good thing they moved!
So at my school's festival, someone decided to be rude to my crush and shove him. He fell into my bad shoulder, (it was a long time ago but back when Angel was wild and was the horse that couldn't jump, she reared and broadsided a jump I was trying to teach her to go over and threw me into the pole so I have a bad shoulder.) and I fell into the grass because I wasn't expecting it. My crush yelled at the other guy and then helped me up. My shoulder was literally so sore I was almost crying. He was like, "Sorry for yelling." And he hugged me and then he kissed me on the cheek and I'm just like ajdnwwmdhiemwmw because he has a girlfriend (who wasn't there) and idk wat to do guys I can hardly even spell I'm freaking out so much

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