Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Quote: okay lol Is its to go for the natural look, with a hint of pizzaz to bring out your existing features. LOL I posted an example of how high maintenance my hair is. oi I shall never forget my argan oil again XD
Quote: okay lol Is its to go for the natural look, with a hint of pizzaz to bring out your existing features. LOL I posted an example of how high maintenance my hair is. oi I shall never forget my argan oil again XD

Yes, if you go for makeup use neutral colors close to your skin tone. Try not to use too much, in fact, use as little as you can. Cover dark circles and/or any blemishes with concealer, blend it in, and then powder over with foundation that matches the tone of your skin. Be sure to rub it in a bit so there isn't a dense layer of makeup over your skin, and use blush under the eyes and edges of your cheeks if you're more on the pale side. Matte shades of brown are good for eye shadow. Don't even worry about getting your lashes big with mascara or eyeliner, or waxing your brows way down. Natural brows tend to look better than stylized ones.
Yes, if you go for makeup use neutral colors close to your skin tone. Try not to use too much, in fact, use as little as you can. Cover dark circles and/or any blemishes with concealer, blend it in, and then powder over with foundation that matches the tone of your skin. Be sure to rub it in a bit so there isn't a dense layer of makeup over your skin, and use blush under the eyes and edges of your cheeks if you're more on the pale side. Matte shades of brown are good for eye shadow. Don't even worry about getting your lashes big with mascara or eyeliner, or waxing your brows way down. Natural brows tend to look better than stylized ones.
Ooh, I like the sound of that...very natural and light. Cool thanks!!
Yes, if you go for makeup use neutral colors close to your skin tone. Try not to use too much, in fact, use as little as you can. Cover dark circles and/or any blemishes with concealer, blend it in, and then powder over with foundation that matches the tone of your skin. Be sure to rub it in a bit so there isn't a dense layer of makeup over your skin, and use blush under the eyes and edges of your cheeks if you're more on the pale side. Matte shades of brown are good for eye shadow. Don't even worry about getting your lashes big with mascara or eyeliner, or waxing your brows way down. Natural brows tend to look better than stylized ones.

When I wear makeup that's exactly how I do mine. Really natural. :)
My crush
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