Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I always hope that on Valentines day when I check the mail I find a secret admirer thing in there, flowers, a card, something, haha, but then I don't know if I'd be honored or totally freaked out and paranoid.....:hmm
I always hope that on Valentines day when I check the mail I find a secret admirer thing in there, flowers, a card, something, haha, but then I don't know if I'd be honored or totally freaked out and paranoid.....:hmm
I'd be freaked out.
I would love to get a card from a secret admirer, because *play dramatic music* I would look for him, I would find him... And I would HUG HIM!

But, seriously, I'd start trying to identify the dude's handwriting. There's only so many ways a guy could take notice of me, since I'm homeschooled. He'd likely be from volunteer.

And if it was one of Aaron's pranks, he would be a dead man!

Just sayin'.
If I got a note from a secret admirer, I wouldn't just be freaked out. I'd be having a freaking panic attack. I'd be wondering how in the heck he'd know who I was, and where I lived.

If there's anybody on this planet who can not only come up with worse case scenarios, but can work out ways in her mind why those worse case scenarios are likely to happen, it's me.
*sigh* Dang you, anxiety.
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If I got a secret admirer letter I would be ticked. Because I am married and that guy would be a no good (insert word here).

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