Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

My other crush Mmm mmm love my hot sauce Tee hee hee


one more year and he is all mine again.

That's awesome x3
lol thanks XD He and I are so excited he is retiring soon. Of course he has to find another job, but he will be home every night and that makes me happy.. well all of us will :)
its not easy on any family. Some do okay not having too much separation other have it worse than I do. I am excited to hopefully have another munchkin next year too. This way my hubby has a kiddo that he won't miss out on parts of their lives. my poor middle child hasn't had him around for the last 3 birthdays and will again miss the next one.

Who wouldn't want another one of these?

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So, my first guy to crush on me. A guy at work, a mega nerd/geek/bookworm, sorta like myself but more meek and bashful, is apparently crushing on me. My friend said he looked like he liked me cuz she sees him staring at me; my other friend (the snot XD) asked him if he liked me; she said he didn't deny it. So now I am literally not sure what to think anymore. I am nothing special, and neither is this guy. Some might think it's a perfect match.

But in the meantime I have to figure out whether or not I want a relationship.
If I don't feel the same for him, which I don't know what I feel, then I don't know...

XD This is all new...

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