Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

You can be friends :) And in time see what happens. Nothing wrong with it no need to be affraid if it does. Just save any kisses until you are older and you know that there is Love there.
So, my first guy to crush on me. A guy at work, a mega nerd/geek/bookworm, sorta like myself but more meek and bashful, is apparently crushing on me. My friend said he looked like he liked me cuz she sees him staring at me; my other friend (the snot XD) asked him if he liked me; she said he didn't deny it. So now I am literally not sure what to think anymore. I am nothing special, and neither is this guy. Some might think it's a perfect match.

But in the meantime I have to figure out whether or not I want a relationship.
If I don't feel the same for him, which I don't know what I feel, then I don't know...

XD This is all new...
.......While I guess it is new and exciting to have a crush... lemme tell you, it ain't fun to have someone hate you like Owl has said before. And also like I said before, at this age--I don't care whether or not a crush isn't like a GF--serious feelings aren't "alive" (that sounds disgusting, but you get my point) in teens and preteens. Seriously. And hey, I'm not trying to be rude, contradict Chic or anything like that, I just don't agree. I've had guys give me Valentines. (
) Like, Valentines, valentines. Gross. Anyways, after awhile, when I didn't return the feeling, he got mad and went to another girl.
When guys and girls "date" at a super young age (12-15 [sometimes]) it's not real. They're just doing it because it's "cool".

Okay, I'm not old. But I watch things. So, it's perfectly fine with me if you agree with Chic or someone else, I'm not trying to push my opinion, as it's just an opinion.

ANYWAYS, I apologize GREATLY for that rant. I've had a really bad/stressful/tear-worthy day. I've been fighting tears all day, and just needed to vent, and this subject was something available.
Really sorry.
It;s okay Silkies.

In reality friendship is important and liking is okay.. but no matter what you do they will get mad if they are that type. No sense in living in fear. Becasue U tel you what I have seen It makes a girl angry, mean, and unattractive in her nature to others because she has this wall up. You will be labeled as a witch if you go too far with it and possible ruin it for the one you could have and should have been with.. Perhaps a boy that had a crush on you then saw your behavior and said 'that is not the kind of woman I want' and he will never give you a second thought when he sees you in college or later on. No one should shun boys as friends because they are young. And I know many who have married their highs school sweethearts. If its real its real and yes some do it because it's cool. but if a girl is level headed about it... AKA don't get intimate time will tell. The heartache less. And it is best to wait until adulthood to get involved beyond friendship.. when emotions have had time to settle out and one to get life started. Understand who you are.

Anyone who rushes into something will get hurt. I had young love and he felt the same way but as not as young, 6 years difference, and we had to keep a great distance. but I moved away and nothing came of it because we lost contact. I had boys I liked an we stayed friends because over time I saw what they were. The patient ones love. And if a boy pushes affection best to stay away. Let him get mad and show his colors.. You can be happy you didn't end up with that jerk.

Just exercise wisdom and learn from other, and stop living in fear.
Hmm, today a friend of mine asked me if I 'like' anyone... no...
Heck, I don't even know any girls my age... Well, that's not actually true.

Now I'm wondering if I am totally missing somebody... And he is trying to clue me in.

Naaahhhh! That's ridiculous!
I will take all of your advice in the situations it is then required. But for now, if he really does like me, I wont be liking him back because it's cool--I am not cool; I don't even wear the latest styles. So there.
And I can play hard to get.
He's going to have to make a point of actually liking me before being worth my time; my time and feelings are valuable to me and I don't uselessly spend them, if you know what I mean.

(Don't go wasting your emmmoootions! I love that song! XD)

So, yeah. Hannah is weird, deal with it!
I will take all of your advice in the situations it is then required. But for now, if he really does like me, I wont be liking him back because it's cool--I am not cool; I don't even wear the latest styles. So there. :gig And I can play hard to get. :plbb  He's going to have to make a point of actually liking me before being worth my time; my time and feelings are valuable to me and I don't uselessly spend them, if you know what I mean.

(Don't go wasting your emmmoootions! I love that song! XD)

So, yeah. Hannah is weird, deal with it!

Hannah's fabulous! :lol:
I will take all of your advice in the situations it is then required. But for now, if he really does like me, I wont be liking him back because it's cool--I am not cool; I don't even wear the latest styles. So there.
And I can play hard to get.
He's going to have to make a point of actually liking me before being worth my time; my time and feelings are valuable to me and I don't uselessly spend them, if you know what I mean.

(Don't go wasting your emmmoootions! I love that song! XD)

So, yeah. Hannah is weird, deal with it!


And it's okay, I don't wear the latest styles either
I prefer hoodies and black pants xD
what is style?
I wear what I like ad what fits and is appropriate, and I don't like my hair frizzy :p

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