Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

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what happened?


We really weren't right for each other, and neither of us were ready for this relationship. I just hope we can still be friends after this. But if not, I suppose it's for the best. I will keep trusting in God, because I know He has a greater plan for me than I could have made for Gabe and I.

We really weren't right for each other, and neither of us were ready for this relationship. I just hope we can still be friends after this. But if not, I suppose it's for the best. I will keep trusting in God, because I know He has a greater plan for me than I could have made for Gabe and I.

All the best, Tani. Must've been a hard decision.
I missed my friends too. I never had any particularly good ones over there though, so I guess that's different

Ooh, the ocean would be great! Do you live near the ocean? I'm ten minutes drive from the nearest beach.

Yeah. I just used to have a bunch of really close ones I've had since elementary school, and now I have hardly any. Though I was kinda lonely there too, mainly because I'm a super shy person in real life, I was still happier.

I do, about an hour away actually. We have a bunch of bodies of water as well, like the Columbia River and so forth. I used to be even closer to the ocean where I used to live though. :3

I had a bunch of close friends, but we'd mostly just play Pokemon together. I don't miss the gaming lifestyle much. We still talk, but we aren't all that close anymore

I do miss my best friend though... haven't seen her for about six years but we get along like a house on fire. Via email and FB, I could hug technology in cases like these

Rivahs! Beepul love dah rivahs!
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ray's two cents :

We really weren't right for each other, and neither of us were ready for this relationship. I just hope we can still be friends after this. But if not, I suppose it's for the best. I will keep trusting in God, because I know He has a greater plan for me than I could have made for Gabe and I.

All the best, Tani. Must've been a hard decision.​

It has been, extremely hard. Evelyn (eenie114) helped me get up the courage to finally tell him. But it's been really scary for a few months, I didn't want to break his heart.

Too late now, eh? Hopefully he doesn't hate me too much (he hasn't written back yet.)
All the best, Tani. Must've been a hard decision.

It has been, extremely hard. Evelyn (eenie114) helped me get up the courage to finally tell him. But it's been really scary for a few months, I didn't want to break his heart.

Too late now, eh? Hopefully he doesn't hate me too much (he hasn't written back yet.)

He sounds like a sweet guy. He might be sore for a while, but you'll pull through it.

We really weren't right for each other, and neither of us were ready for this relationship. I just hope we can still be friends after this. But if not, I suppose it's for the best. I will keep trusting in God, because I know He has a greater plan for me than I could have made for Gabe and I.

I'm sorry.
ray's two cents :

It has been, extremely hard. Evelyn (eenie114) helped me get up the courage to finally tell him. But it's been really scary for a few months, I didn't want to break his heart.

Too late now, eh? Hopefully he doesn't hate me too much (he hasn't written back yet.)

He sounds like a sweet guy. He might be sore for a while, but you'll pull through it.

ray's two cents :

Yeah. I just used to have a bunch of really close ones I've had since elementary school, and now I have hardly any. Though I was kinda lonely there too, mainly because I'm a super shy person in real life, I was still happier.

I do, about an hour away actually. We have a bunch of bodies of water as well, like the Columbia River and so forth. I used to be even closer to the ocean where I used to live though. :3

I had a bunch of close friends, but we'd mostly just play Pokemon together. I don't miss the gaming lifestyle much. We still talk, but we aren't all that close anymore

I do miss my best friend though... haven't seen her for about six years but we get along like a house on fire. Via email and FB, I could hug technology in cases like these

Rivahs! Beepul love dah rivahs!​

I see...

That's too bad. All I have is Facebook and my phone to contact my best friend and some other people back where I used to live as well, it's been a year or so since I've last seen them.

Like dah Nile? Beepul love dah Nile!
We really weren't right for each other, and neither of us were ready for this relationship. I just hope we can still be friends after this. But if not, I suppose it's for the best. I will keep trusting in God, because I know He has a greater plan for me than I could have made for Gabe and I.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure I'm doing the right thing, though.

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