Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Just cause you got hurt in the past, doesn't mean you should never try again. That can ONLY end in pain. More pain than even a broken heart would cause. To use a Christian Metaphor, the only place save from worries of heaven... is hell. The only place you'll be safe from the threat of a broken heart... is a broken heart. Don't throw your life away out of fear! Try again!

Plus, you were in first grade. You cannot really be in love at that age.
see, there was about 5 more minutes of geometry class, so everyone was putting their stuff away and stuff
2 girls, Alison and Julia, were talking and stuff, and apparently they were having one of those joking arguments. so Julia walks next to me and says "Adam is now my best friend" and i was like "huh?" then randomly Alison asks if she can take our picture with her iphone, and latly, it seems like EVERYONE wants my pic, so of coruse i say: "why does everyone want to take pictures of me?!" and Alison replys "Cuz you're cute!"
I know, but it's not even that. I was told I'd see him again. Well, guess what. HE TRANSFERRED. Anyway, that's besides the point. I don't want to betray my Cartoon Husband/Mate, nor my Anime Boyfriend, or give up searching for my first Manga love. *sighs* Zim would be so disappointed in me for even thinking about Jordan again.... I'M SORRY ZIMMEH! Okay, done freaking out now.... oh yeah, and I have about fifty different Video Game husbands in different ones because I have different forms.
Huge oncoming problem alert:

Remember my boyfriend? Remember how I tried to break up with him? Remember how I tried to stay with him because it was just too heartbreaking?

Well, it turns out that I probably only like him as a good friend rather than a boyfriend. The problem is, how do I break the news to him? He's surprisingly fragile, and this news is going to leave him utterly in grief and broken...
Well, it is now officially time for him to grow a pair and deal with it. If he's not right for you, prolonging the relationship will only end up hurting you both much more than if you kindly ended it now.

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