Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Oh, yeah.
We already had the "why do you want to keep something from me" discussion.

Oh, haha :D
Oh, sigh... Here goes another day with the guy who said I was pretty. Whom I do not like, by the way >>_<<

Buuuuuut, the blonde haired guy ((
)) did somethin' totally nice the other day. So I was in computer class, when I realized I couldn't find my flash drive. And I needed it to save my monologue for a playwrite class. So I asked my childhood friend Adrien, and he said he was using it. The blonde haired guy was sitting right next to him, and I playfully "slap" (( just kinda tap )) his head in mock irritation. I go back to my computer and keep working on my monologue, and the blonde haired guy comes up, flash drive in hand, hands it to me and says: "Here, you can use mine. When we get to Mrs. Palmer's class I'll transfer your stuff to your file." And I said: "Wow, that's really nice, thank you!" And he goes: "No big deal." And shrugs.
Oh mai goodness, le sooooo cute!
Oh I'm in a bit of a pickle! So today I got accepted to the camp I wanted to go to. And I found out my BFF is going to the same one. The theme is "Feeding Games". I thought we just get to camp & then go to the soup kitchen (like it said in the description). But no! I missed the whole part about hunger games. Get it, Hunger Games "Feeding Games"? Well I have never seen the movie nor the book! So I'm going to this camp only knowing 1/2 of what its about! oh crud........
Oh that sounds like fun! I'd love to go to a hunger games type camp :D You should read the books :) They are really good

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