Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Ahhh, nirvana. I was texting the blonde haired guy last night and he was totally messing with me.

It was a pretty long convo...
Him: Practicing magic :-D
Me: Cool what trick
Him: B-)
Me: Oh so you're not gonna tell me :p
Him: ;-) :p
Me: Haha you are so mean :p
Him: You wouldn't know what trick it is
Me: You never know with me :p
Him: It's the truth... gosh you're so dramatic ;-) :p
Me: Haha! Yeah right :p
Him: Thanks for agreeing with me :-D
Me: *rolls eyes* Yeah, AGREEING or whatever crap you wanna call it B-)
Him: I told you you wouldn't know what trick it is see look do you know the trick strat-o-sphere?!?! I didn't think so :p
Me: I actually know this one.
Him: What happens in it then :O
(( I explain, I don't feel like retyping the whole thing ))
Him: Close.
Me: oh, come on. give me this one I was close :p
Him: You can say that again but I've gotta go ttyl.

That was really it....
I can't post it because he took it off the record so it didn't save :p
I just remember that he said I'm amazing and then at the end before he had to get off he said "bye very special girl"
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