Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

The other day me and my friend were talking about hot cartoon guys. We were talking about Flynn Rider from Tangled. Now, John Smith from Pocahontas, he's hot.

I discovered something today. I don't actually have crushes, I just keep thinking I do. I've found out that I don't want a boyfriend or crush, I just want guys like like me. (or be attracted to me). I don't actually like them............................does that make any sense?
That makes perfect sense. I want to flirt and make guys like me, but not like them back. Mean, I know :p Don't get me wrong, if I had a boyfriend I wouldn't gripe about it, and I've had my fair share of crushes. But guys avoid me because I'm a sassy big-mouth.
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That makes perfect sense. I want to flirt and make guys like me, but not like them back. Mean, I know :p Don't get me wrong, if I had a boyfriend I wouldn't gripe about it, and I've had my fair share of crushes. But guys avoid me because I'm a sassy big-mouth.
Wow, I was just the same way before Peter, I was over guys' heads and most of them knew better than to mess with me.

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