Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I'm pretty bummed right now. My very dear friend Rachel is pretty, and sweet, and funny, and very, very delicate (health-wise.) And this makes guys fall all over her, all the time, ignoring me. And I could deal with all that except for the newest puppy-lover. Who happens to be the guy I've been seriously crushing on, Mike (I put his picture up a few pages back.)
And sheesh, I introduced them! He and I used to talk every day, and then he met her and we talk... every two weeks, for about five minutes. Whereas he and my friend talk daily, and flirt, and he even asked her to marry him. Joking, I know, but still. No guys would ever flirt with me, especially like that.
I really hate being so jealous of her, because she is a beautiful person inside and out. Which makes me even more jealous, which makes me even more angry at myself for being jealous, and so on and so forth.
I'm pretty bummed right now. My very dear friend Rachel is pretty, and sweet, and funny, and very, very delicate (health-wise.) And this makes guys fall all over her, all the time, ignoring me. And I could deal with all that except for the newest puppy-lover. Who happens to be the guy I've been seriously crushing on, Mike (I put his picture up a few pages back.)
And sheesh, I introduced them! He and I used to talk every day, and then he met her and we talk... every two weeks, for about five minutes. Whereas he and my friend talk daily, and flirt, and he even asked her to marry him. Joking, I know, but still. No guys would ever flirt with me, especially like that.
I really hate being so jealous of her, because she is a beautiful person inside and out. Which makes me even more jealous, which makes me even more angry at myself for being jealous, and so on and so forth.
Hun you are Beautiful you will find the right man one day like my crush JT he ignores me all the time cuz i'm the freak of the church
I'm pretty bummed right now. My very dear friend Rachel is pretty, and sweet, and funny, and very, very delicate (health-wise.) And this makes guys fall all over her, all the time, ignoring me. And I could deal with all that except for the newest puppy-lover. Who happens to be the guy I've been seriously crushing on, Mike (I put his picture up a few pages back.)
And sheesh, I introduced them! He and I used to talk every day, and then he met her and we talk... every two weeks, for about five minutes. Whereas he and my friend talk daily, and flirt, and he even asked her to marry him. Joking, I know, but still. No guys would ever flirt with me, especially like that.
I really hate being so jealous of her, because she is a beautiful person inside and out. Which makes me even more jealous, which makes me even more angry at myself for being jealous, and so on and so forth.

So you know that the guys who DO fall for you are pretty special. Remember that girls who have all the guys fall over them have the huge task of weeding out the losers.
Guys fall for me ALL. THE. TIME. Just ask Ec_Prokta, she has the same prob! Like this one guy in this one restaurant kept staring. COME ON, MAN! I'm TAKEN! Can you not see the guy sitting across from me! Now stop staring before you get yourself in some deep crap.
Guys fall for me ALL. THE. TIME. Just ask Ec_Prokta, she has the same prob! Like this one guy in this one restaurant kept staring. COME ON, MAN! I'm TAKEN! Can you not see the guy sitting across from me! Now stop staring before you get yourself in some deep crap.

My BF and I have the opposite issue. HE'S the opposite gender magnet in this duo, and sometimes I'm scared to go out in public with him.
I might get trampled by some mob of fangirls.
Or arrested, but that's another story.
Being an opposite gender magnet really sucks. You keep getting stared at and asked out, oi...

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