Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0


lol. Not a clue.
I am just bored and saw peoples on this thread.
Heloo peoples, long time no see thread!
It's nothing, really ^-^;

hello :p long time no see!
Es ist nicht?!
Sorry I poofed, had to round up silkies. I was missing one, found her tucked up against a tree in their pen.

Good, good! AWESOMESAUCE. What breed?
Du werdst nicht verstehen. Es ist nicht für dich zu weißen.

nice :p

i am getting a Sumatra, GLP, Welsummer, BR, SLW, and a RIR. I can only keep 3 because of Parish law, but MPC had a 6 minimum for where i live.
My words I do not understand and it is not for me to white? :p lol That is what the almighty Google proclaimed.

Which three do you plan on keeping?
I wuv Sumatra, never had a SLW . We used to have a Welsummer, she had giant curly spurs. It was the weirdest thing.
My words I do not understand and it is not for me to white?
lol That is what the almighty Google proclaimed.
Which three do you plan on keeping?
I wuv Sumatra, never had a SLW . We used to have a Welsummer, she had giant curly spurs. It was the weirdest thing.
White? Must be like "know" and "no" except a different word in German :p

the Sumatra, Welsummer, and Polish :3

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