Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I have a crush... on my husband. Good lookin man, don't get to look at him as often as I like. But I dream about him.
I officially have a crush on one of the boys in my math class.
He's sooo freaking cute. Blonde hair, blue-green eyes, tall (considering our age), perfect dimples when he smiles, perfect teeth....
He's smart, sweet, funny, handsome, and he knows who I am. *Faints* He also has a twin brother that one of my friends has a crush on. XD
Sounds dreamy, crushes can be fun and exciting. Just always guard you heart and save it for real and honest love. You never know Mr. Dimples may turn out to be it.
I had a crush once.

So sweet, so worth it. It took me so long to work up the nerve, but when I did.... It was great. Ya, know? Refreshingly awesome, just took so long for me to actually get around to it.
You see, I am a bit stingy. I just can't seem to part with pocket change, that is what kept us apart for the longest time.
But the vending machine was just so tempting, tall, dark... Strategically placed.

BOOM. Orange sweetness, I love soda.
It's more like a long term thing now, if ya know what I mean. *Eyebrow wiggle* ಠ_ಠ

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