Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

I had a crush once.
So sweet, so worth it. It took me so long to work up the nerve, but when I did.... It was great. Ya, know? Refreshingly awesome, just took so long for me to actually get around to it.
You see, I am a bit stingy. I just can't seem to part with pocket change, that is what kept us apart for the longest time.
But the vending machine was just so tempting, tall, dark... Strategically placed.
BOOM. Orange sweetness, I love soda.
It's more like a long term thing now, if ya know what I mean. *Eyebrow wiggle* ಠ_ಠ
Nice one, Gerbil...Nice. XD
air force ROTC? I used to have to wear that belt, hated poishing the buclkles, plus they wouldn't hold in place worth a darn.
LittleLady: :hugs .

I just try and keep a safe distance at this point. I'll just drool over Jensen Ackles for now........:drool . He's soooooo dreamy...........

:confused:  He's ok...But I like Jared Padelecki better. :drool  Sweet mother of Zeus, he's hot. XD

He's dreamy too. But those eyes.........

Naw, I am so team Dean. Sam's nose is funny.But Dean... :drool

X2 Dean........:drool
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I can state attractive men, but my crush belongs to my hubby. I like Hugh Jackman wolverine style and Ryan Renolds. My childhood crush was Dale Midkiff. Dark hair baby blue eyes. All my kiddos got daddies big blue eyes.
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