Post your prettiest rooster! (NOT a contest)

Name: Harvey
Age: 7 months
Breed: Cream Legbar
Temperament: big softie, looks after his girls and doesn't attack us (just the neighbour😅)
By the way, he is not looking for any new girls 🤣
 Here are some rules for this thread. this is for fun!!!

Please put pretty rooster, not hens

 You can do as many roosters as you
want, and post how ever many pictures you want.

Please put the roosters name, and mabye breed if you know. ( im interested in knowing lots of breeds)

 You dont have to put a super pretty rooster, you can put a white leghorn for all i care, as long as you think your roo is pretty:)

Heres one if my roosters. His name is bellamyView attachment 3435760
Cool picture and impressive rooster!
This is Armani. Obviously a silkie and 18 months old or so. He may not meet the SOP, but he's the sweetest and gentlest rooster I've ever had. He does all his rooster things with style and kindness and always puts his girls and the pullets first.

I'll see if I can find a photo of our big lavender Orp boy Roux somewhere. He had to go because he insisted on roosting outside our bedroom window instead of the coop and he was snatched by a fox right off our deck. He got away unharmed, but I knew the fox would be back after him, so I gave him away.


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This is Armani. Obviously a silkie and 18 months old or so. He may not meet the SOP, but he's the sweetest and gentlest rooster I've ever had. He does all his rooster things with style and kindness and always puts his girls and the pullets first.

I'll see if I can find a photo of our big lavender Orp boy Roux somewhere. He had to go because he insisted on roosting outside our bedroom window instead of the coop and he was snatched by a fox right off our deck. He got away unharmed, but I knew the fox would be back after him, so I gave him away.
Oh i love him! I have two silkie cocks and I love them one is slightly sassy but sweet and kind and the other has so much fluff he can’t see very well so he’s afraid of everything he still likes to sit on my lap though!

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