Post Your Rare Birds Pictures


13 Years
Dec 21, 2009
Just curious to see what kind of rare ornamental birds you guys have out there. Feel free show off your species that are hard to come by. Below are a few of mine.

Double Wattled Cassowaries

Kenya Crested Guinea

Reichenow's Helmeted Guinea

Zambezi Crested Guinea
Just curious to see what kind of rare ornamental birds you guys have out there. Feel free show off your species that are hard to come by. Below are a few of mine.

Double Wattled Cassowaries

Kenya Crested Guinea

Reichenow's Helmeted Guinea

Zambezi Crested Guinea
All the birds are beautiful! epically the Cassowaries, I am trying to convince my boss to add the Cassowaries to the program (I work at a Wildlife Conservation Center) but unfortunately they just aren't in the Centers budget
Just curious to see what kind of rare ornamental birds you guys have out there. Feel free show off your species that are hard to come by. Below are a few of mine.

Double Wattled Cassowaries

Kenya Crested Guinea

Reichenow's Helmeted Guinea

Zambezi Crested Guinea

Can you please tell me where you bought your cassowaries fom i want some soooo bad
Beautiful birds. All I watch or read about cassowaries highlights their aggression. Are yours this aggressive, or can you deal with them safely? I admire you for raising all these species of rare birds. I know they must take a lot of work. I sometimes lust over for example, a particularly beautiful rare pheasant or large birds like the cassowaries, but I'm content to let more experienced and knowledgeable keepers raise them and simply enjoy the pictures that you post.

I bought them many years ago from a breeder in Texas that was selling out. I got his last 3 pairs. Now it is only myself and 2 others in the US to my knowledge that breeds them....sad huh? They are amazing birds, and not nearly as bad as what all the hyped up inexperienced information on the internet makes out. My Cassowaries only attack you if you provoke them. Though, I have seen some individuals that are fairly aggressive, but its rare and I think runs in the genetics.
I sale chicks at 6 weeks of age or older when I have them. They are very hard to breed and raise, so its not often I have them. I sale them at $7500 each, which isnt bad considering I paid $10,000 each for mine.
ya not that bad are the chicks pretty hardy or do they die easily and do you raise them the same as emus and other ratities

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