Postings from members with links


Jun 27, 2017
Desert Hot Springs, California
I've been trying to figure out how to save single posts, but I haven't been able to do so.

I'm just going to start here then I'll sort them out and separate into categories later.

I appreciate the many members that have provided these great links in posts throughout the various threads. Sometimes I just want to go back and read them later.
QUOTE: raecarrow

Tomorrow morning, I'm planning on getting up early and giving all my adult chickens numbered bands. I ordered them last week and they came in today, and I can hardly wait to put them on and get the chickens' numbers in my Flock Inventory list. Yes, I'm a spreadsheet geek. Orange for my 2016 birds, purple for my 2017 birds.
View attachment 1158766
View attachment 1158775
This weekend, I'll be working on putting another one of these setups together.
A 5'x 5' PVC run.
View attachment 1158769
A tote with a door/ramp.
View attachment 1158771 View attachment 1158772 View attachment 1158770

If one has a broody and eggs you want to hatch (New Hampshire/Dominique eggs this time), she must be given eggs. Cause, chicken math. And I have another mama with chicks who is using the setup I've pictured here.

I got them from Chicken Charm ( They come in 10 different colors and you can request numbers 001-300. They didn't have the numbers I wanted in purple, so they told me what they had available in purple or told me I could pick a different color with the numbers I wanted. They work out to about $0.26 a piece, which is cheaper than Strombergs and they have twice as many colors.

And yes I know about cutting the zip ties flush. I had a rooster mess up his foot because he pulled the tail. Fortunately I caught it before the foot was beyond salvaging.

64 chickens (barnyard mutts, Dominiques, Buff Orpingtons, Delawares, New Hampshires, and a Black Cochin)
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Would something like this work for you?
Tomorrow morning, I'm planning on getting up early and giving all my adult chickens numbered bands. I ordered them last week and they came in today, and I can hardly wait to put them on and get the chickens' numbers in my Flock Inventory list. Yes, I'm a spreadsheet geek. Orange for my 2016 birds, purple for my 2017 birds.


This weekend, I'll be working on putting another one of these setups together.
A 5'x 5' PVC run.

A tote with a door/ramp.

"Why?" You may ask;
If one has a broody and eggs you want to hatch (New Hampshire/Dominique eggs this time), she must be given eggs. Cause, chicken math. And I have another mama with chicks who is using the setup I've pictured here.

here is the link to that post:
Anyone have luck catching a feral chicken??
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