Poultry Friend In Colorado


In the Brooder
Oct 27, 2022
Hi There.
My name is Iris. I live in Colorado and started with 10 chickens. Bought them as chicks at TS. We have Rode Island Red, 3 black and white lol. After we bought and raised them, my husband brought home two turkeys. They were also from TS and, I assume they were the broad breasted. Our dog took one out, the other became my best friend until, my husband brought home 4 ducks and 4 Heritage turkeys. I guess we were ready to start the farm. My intentions was to have chickens. Nothing else. I was not comfortable with other birds because, I was unfamiliar with raising them. Long story short, we now have 23 chickens, 3 geese, 4 ducks and 10 turkeys. One of my female turkeys gave me 14 babies. We lost 10 due to 1 drowning, another one was crushed by mamma and the others flew over the run and taken by coyotes. I was not happy and added bird needing. I love everyone of these birds. The graze daily, receive their treats. veggies, worms, vitamins, feed, fresh water and, are very happy. I do not know everything but, I am learning a lot.
Hi There.
My name is Iris. I live in Colorado and started with 10 chickens. Bought them as chicks at TS. We have Rode Island Red, 3 black and white lol. After we bought and raised them, my husband brought home two turkeys. They were also from TS and, I assume they were the broad breasted. Our dog took one out, the other became my best friend until, my husband brought home 4 ducks and 4 Heritage turkeys. I guess we were ready to start the farm. My intentions was to have chickens. Nothing else. I was not comfortable with other birds because, I was unfamiliar with raising them. Long story short, we now have 23 chickens, 3 geese, 4 ducks and 10 turkeys. One of my female turkeys gave me 14 babies. We lost 10 due to 1 drowning, another one was crushed by mamma and the others flew over the run and taken by coyotes. I was not happy and added bird needing. I love everyone of these birds. The graze daily, receive their treats. veggies, worms, vitamins, feed, fresh water and, are very happy. I do not know everything but, I am learning a lot.
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