Poultry medicine chest suggestions??


7 Years
Apr 8, 2012
Elfin Forest
I've only had chickens for 4 months, but just lost a chicken to suspected Marek's. I am having a necropsy done by UC Davis.

All of this disease reading, and my recent experience has made me realize that 1. I am woefully unprepared for chicken health issues and 2. most of these things need to be purchased online (not much in my area).

What would be YOUR abolutely have to have supplies and medicines to keep on hand??

Thanks for your input!
I'm preparing a medicine/first aid chest as well. We do not have a Vet around here that treats poultry. There are a few meds that are to be injected. You might find some stuff at your local
farm store. Otherwise I purchased items through jefferspets.com & superdrugsavers.com. Some meds require a prescription through some sites. These I found do not. Here is a link that I used to start mine. Its very informative.

Good luck

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