Poultry Predator Identification

I lost a chicken yesterday to some predator. They free range all day while I am at work and have for almost an entire year with no problems. I got home after dark yesterday and went to check and had one missing. I though it was not a big deal since, on occasion, one of them will stay outside and roost someplace other than the coop. I found her dead close to the coop this morning with several piles of feathers in random places around that area of the yard. She had no head or neck left and the side that was facing up had been pretty torn up. I found no tracks, so I am assuming it is a hawk or owl. I hated to find her as she was my alpha girl or the flock. She is always the last one in the hen house at night, and I feel bad that she suffered as she did because I figure she got away a few times before the predator was able to take her out. I will be hoping to not find the same mess with another of my girls today when I get home, but I am not wanting to have to build a run to confine them either. I know I will be outside with a shogun this weekend, just in case I see something that I want to shoot. RIP Bossy, we will miss you!!!
I am SOOOOO frustrated! I've spent a fortune on fencing and still last night I came home after dark and there was a 'possum in the chicken yard! Thank goodness all the chickens and ducks were okay. If I were a few minutes later I doubt they would have been all safe. Thankfully the dumb thing stayed there and I ran to the house for my .22 I do not know what else to do to keep my chickens and ducks safe! Maybe razor wire like they have on prison fences at the top. I hate more expenses but I have no peace again now that they're safe until I get home.
Sounds like the kill occurred during the day and the fact that it may have been attacked at the back of neck would lead to hawk. The eating of the feet - I dunno.
Dang and blast it. Lost my rooster today (broad daylight). We found him in the ditch with his head nearly severed. Something had bitten through the vertebrae, and his (poor) head was attached only by some skin and fat. No other damage to the body? The ditch has a fair amount of overhead cover, so I'm not certain about a hawk. Maybe a dog? Very sad and frustrated. Any suggestions?
Dang and blast it. Lost my rooster today (broad daylight). We found him in the ditch with his head nearly severed. Something had bitten through the vertebrae, and his (poor) head was attached only by some skin and fat. No other damage to the body? The ditch has a fair amount of overhead cover, so I'm not certain about a hawk. Maybe a dog? Very sad and frustrated. Any suggestions?

I've had opossums and racoons do similar damage to my chickens. Could have been a mink or weasel too. Not sure where you live and if you even have those killers.
I'm tired.

If you let your chickens free range you WILL LOSE them!

I don't care if they were out for hours while you were at work or for just a few minutes while your back was turned. You WILL LOSE them!

I don't care if you have let them free range for years and never have lost one yet, the odds are not in your favor. You WILL LOSE them!

If you want 100% safe way of protecting your chickens while they are free range, THERE ISN'T ONE!

If your run roof is not covered securely with 1/2" hardware cloth or solid wood or steel, you WILL LOSE them!

Just accept that losing a few or all of your flock to free ranging is a fact of Mother nature.

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