Poultry Protector Spray for mites


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Does anyone have actual experience using this on birds? We're having a mystery-illness situation right now, and for good measure, we treated their coop for mites, even though we don't actually see evidence of them (or I don't know what I'm looking for).

One of our hens is limping severely, but she's eating and drinking. I gave her a warm bath, and now we're considering spraying the hens with the poultry protector. We sprayed the coop and will dust it with Sevin, too. Another hen died mysteriously a week ago, so I'm panicking, really.

I'm thinking you have a something other than mites going on. Mites wont make a hen limp and they usually do not kill a hen unless its really bad and at that stage you would be able to see them clearly.
I've used it before... I think it would be a fine repellent/ protector but if you really think that you've got an established case of lice, I'd go with Adam's flea/tick spray after a bath to be sure you kill the buggers on both the chickens and their environment, then maintain it w/ poultry protector.

I'm new to chickens, so I can't speak to the symptoms of a mite infestation, but it sounds like you've got something else going on.

For the limping hen, did you check her foot? How about her range of motion in her leg?
I checked her legs while I was blowing dry her feathers. Everything seems just fine. She would curl her toes and seemed to not want to straighten them out, but i think that may have been more nervousness since she didn't have secure footing while on my lap.

I looked and looked at both hens, and there just doesn't seem to be any evidence of mites of lice. I'm just worried and don't know what else to try. A hen died mysteriously a week ago, when we were out of town, and i don't know what her behavior was like right before.


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