Power Cut


Jan 4, 2016
Northern Cyprus
We live in Northern Cyprus.

Last night we had a six hour power cut.

I have 10 eggs in the incubator, they are 13 days in.

I candled two days ago and it looked OK for all 10 eggs.

When the power came back on it read that the temperature had dropped to 22 C.

Can anyone tell me what are the likelihood that any will hatch ?


Dave Lee
Hi Dave - I read the other day that someone had a power cut for about that duration and still had good results - so fingers crossed for your little ones.

We live in Northern Cyprus.

Last night we had a six hour power cut.

I have 10 eggs in the incubator, they are 13 days in.

I candled two days ago and it looked OK for all 10 eggs.

When the power came back on it read that the temperature had dropped to 22 C.

Can anyone tell me what are the likelihood that any will hatch ?


Dave Lee
HI! People have had longer outtages and still have had fairly successful hatches, so I would not loose hope!

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