Power failure in the quail house :(


12 Years
May 27, 2011
Cocolalla Idaho
Lost power in the quail house. 17 degrees. It is fully insulated, heated but I guess because the vents were open it got cold. I only lost 2 babies but still it sucks. They were away from the others and I think they tried to huddle together and 2 weren't enough to stay warm. The rest had formed a ball in another corner and were fine.
Oh, yeah thats scary because I actually considered moving my 13 day olds out to the shed with a heat light, they are in the brooder right now but I just had more hatch
This is why birds should not be heated.They produce down to keep them warm threw the cold months.If you heat them,they do not produce enough down to properly keep them warm.They do need a place where they can get out of drafts and is dry.All birds will climatize to your area as long as they have been outside in the elements since summer.In N.H.,Tony.
Yeah thats my problem, I got my birds from a person that kept his breeding stock in his house AND decided they needed heat so now I have to heat them, I am going to raise mine different so they dont require heat, at 4-6 weeks mine will be in a growout cage without heat.

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